We all well know that it is not particularly unusual for a member of the Scammer Amazon Buyer Community, once oncedelighted with the success of ‘stickin’ it to The Man’ with a tad-bit less than full integrity on the first go-round, to further-push the envelope.
Likewise, we all well know that it is not particularly unusual for a member of Amazon’s first-echelon Customer Service Team - whether an Amabot, or a human prototype for same - to pass along even the most-inappropriate communications from a member of the Buyer Community.
After all, we all know well that Amazon is hardly an exception, in the modern Corporate Conglomerate Community, to the widespread embrace of good ol’ Ma Bell’s infamously-pernicious “Defective By Design” model of provisioning Customer Service.
We all well know that Amazon is hardly an exception, in the modern Corporate Conglomerate Community, to the widespread embrace of appeasement through throwing money at a problem (a paradigm that Amazon is uniquely suited to exploit, as so often - despite the long & sordid history of hefty fines - it ain’t its money that’s footing the bill); nor is any exception when it comes to caving into the demands of vociferous activism.
What we all might not know is that examples of the so-called “Moral Compensation template” has been making that rounds of late - largely as a result of the increasing popularity of sheer greed, methinks.
I do not believe that I’m wandering too far into the weeds to opine that it iscertain that this WILL get out of hand, right quick-like.
While I Breathe, I Hope - but I ain’t lookin’ for Cisco to come in blastin’ drinkin’ port…
Lo and behold, what’s the first SAS thread I see after posting this?