Pending Orders

Just a suggestion, but why can’t Amazon have a nudge or poke button for the seller to use when items sit in pending? It’s just so frustrating to see a nice order sitting in pending for up to a max of 21 days without having the ability to do anything about it :frowning:


Amazon does poke the buyer. We previously had an issue with the expiration date on the credit card, so our order was pending. We’d get emails reminding us to take care of our issue so that they could shlp our pending order.


I know Amazon does, but it would just alleviate the frustration of watching it sit there to nudge them ourselves.


So, maybe a poke button that doesn’t actually poke? :wink: But you can only push it once every 24 hours? :red_circle:

It is definitely frustrating to watch pending orders, but sometimes things get tangled a bit–like @RiverRetail expiration date–and Amazon wants the Buyer to untangle them, before Amazon loses any money.

Personally, I’m not certain that 21 days is necessary. Maybe 10 would be more reasonable.


I’ve always presumed that the policy for Pending Orders - “three strikes and you’re out” - is predicated as much upon the “living from paycheck to paycheck”/“week-to-week” modus operandi embraced by far too-many of us in our society as it is upon the customer-centric focus which both delights and confounds we mere peons of the Seller Community.

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Because…most sellers aren’t going to use it, but abuse it. They’ll do it at 31 minutes, and then find a way to set up an auto-poke every 31 minutes after that.


And what’s wrong with that…s#@t or get off the pot :rofl:


How about just do like other venues and just decline the order during the checkout process and quit screwing up seller’s vacation time. Oh, and when it drops off pending, correct the inventory count.


:arrow_heading_up: :arrow_heading_up: :arrow_heading_up:


IMHO, there should be no pending orders. If I walk into Wal-Mart, fill my cart, then at checkout my credit card doesn’t work, do I expect to be able to say, “Oh gee, Wal-Mart, can you hold all these things for me for 1 to 3 weeks so no one else can buy them?” Of course not. Pending orders are nonsense and infuriating.

This may be difficult for newer sellers to believe, but many years ago when I first started selling books on Amazon, in 2000, sellers could actually contact buyers of pending orders. Of course, at that point, we got buyers’ actual contact names (first and last), their real phone numbers and their real email addresses. This was the case for quite a few years, then for various reasons buyer info began to be withheld. Buyers would abuse the system, too, by convincing FBM sellers to go ahead and ship the item even though they had not paid and never would.


exactly, and no unverifiable addresses unless the customer is required to say “nope, that’s exactly the right thing” (since sometimes the post office is wonky).

I don’t know anywhere else I can shop online that doesn’t work that way.


7 days is more than enough, imho.

I could happily agree to this as well.


I’ve had a few unverifiable by Amazon, so Buy Shipping USPS wasn’t available, that have verified for USPS through Endicia (Stamps now).


Amazon is more desperate to delight the customer–regardless of whether the customer is good, bad, ethical, reliable, etc–than even Walmart is.