Plan ahead for Small Business Saturday: November 30, 2024

Small Business Saturday follows Black Friday and encourages customers to “Shop Small” and spend some holiday gift money with small businesses, ideally locally-owned.

This year, Thanksgiving is later in the calendar, reducing shopping days before Christmas (December 25) and Hanukkah (this year, December 25 to January 2). That means that small business online retailers and handmakers should make extra efforts to make the most out of Small Business Saturday, and that starts by preparing now.

Some posts with tips (vetted for usefulness):




We can’t control every aspect of our business on ecomm sales platforms, but that doesn’t mean that there aren’t plenty of things that we can control to maximize national sales events like Small Business Saturday.

Quick points:

  1. Prepare a Marketing Strategy for Small Business Saturday
  2. Don’t Wait Until the Last Day
  3. Leverage Social Media
  4. Recognize the Statistics
  5. Make a Valuable Offer
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A few more resources…

From the SBA on Facebook:

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It’s seems that @papy is very contagious … :smirk:


Just another bump

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