Please help with action plan for Amazon because account will be deactivated soon

I hope someone can help to resolve an issue, unfortunately, I did not found a resolution on Amazon Sellers Forum.

I got an email from Amazon, that I violated “PDP Rules” and my account will be deactivated because of this policy violation. When I read Amazon Policies before I lost this policy - “Amazon Generic Product Policy”, what restrict to sell braned products as “Generic”. Yes, this is my fault. And I am really sorry about that. I sent the few explanations to Amazon but everything was refused.

This is the last answer from Amazon:


Thank you for submitting your appeal. We reviewed your appeal and determined that it is missing the following information.
Please include the missing information listed below in your appeal.

– Greater detail on the root cause(s) of the PDP SPECIFIC.

– Greater detail on the actions you have taken to resolve the identified issues.

My last Appeal:
– Greater detail on the root cause(s) of the PDP Content Abuse.
I accidentally made a listing ASIN: “B0D35VGMMC” with branded product as Generic, what violate Amazon Generic Product Policy. This Policy Restrict to use “Generic” for branded products.

I made an error because of ignorance of Amazon Generic Product Policy section and my knowledge level of the PDP rules guidelines was not enough. When I read Amazon PDP policies a lost a section about Amazon Generic Product Policy.I recognized that I violate this policy after discovering and reading Amazon Generic Product Policy.

I understand, that it is my error, and I am responsible for this. I am sorry, please be assured that this is not intentional.

– Greater detail on the actions you have taken to resolve the identified issues.

  1. I have deleted the offending ASIN “B0D35VGMMC”.
  2. I thoroughly checked my inventory and deleted the all listings that do not comply with the “Amazon PDP Rules”, “Amazon Generic Product”.
  3. On Dec, 19, I carefully read and thoroughly studied “Product detail page rules”, than “Amazon Generic Product Policy” and “Amazon Brand Name policy”.

From Jan, 1, I added the new rules in to my business process:
4) One day a week, I will audit my listings for compliance with “Amazon Generic Product Policy”, “Amazon PDP Rules”, Amazon Brand Name policy and the whole “Product and Listing Requirements”.
5) Twice a month I will review “Product and Listing Requirements” and sub-sections including “Amazon PDP Rules”, “Amazon Generic Product” to refresh my memory
6) Before I list any product, the listing will be checked to comply with “Product and Listing Requirements”, “Amazon PDP Rules”, “Amazon Generic Product”, the correctness of filling the attributes, including brand name, listing name, and the whole attributes.
7) The all new listings will be checked by the lawyer (Amazon SPN) before publishing.
8) I will follow Amazon policies and understand my responsibility to the Buyers and Amazon.

I am sorry for the long read!

Maybe someone know what to do with all of this.

Thank you!

Best Regards!


Welcome to SAS!

It would probably help if you would post your original policy notice violation. Please remember to remove any personal identifying information from it when posting. This will help forum members to address how to write your appeal.

Again … welcome to SAS!


Thank you very much for replying my message! It’s nice to meet you!
Hello ,

We removed detail page contributions you submitted to the listings below. No additional action is required at this time. The ASIN is still live and you can edit your listing.

Why did this happen?
We are contacting you because we received a report that you added content to a product detail page that violates our Product Detail Page Rules:

Sellers on Amazon must comply with the product detail page rules and are not allowed to publish inaccurate or inappropriate content to any sections of the product detail page, including title, bullet points, product description, and product information.

How do I address this issue?
Please view the policy warnings on your Account Health page and follow the guidance in the “Next Steps” column next to the policy warning.

Has this message been sent in error?
If you believe there has been an error, submit an explanation by following the guidance in the “Next Steps” column next to the policy warning on your Account Health page. Your explanation should include the following information:
– Evidence or examples that demonstrate your account complies with our Product Detail Page Rules:

We’re here to help.

Detail Pages with Removed Contributions:

Attribute containing violating contribution: brand , item_name
Content identified as violating PDP Rules: Generic

We removed the violating content above from the listings. Repeat violations of the Product Detail Page policy on a listing may lead to product deactivation.


Hi @Smokewind and welcome to SellersAskSellers!

Amazon prohibits labeling branded products as “generic” because doing so is intellectual property (IP) theft. It is claiming (stealing) credit for someone else’s product (by claiming that it belongs to no one and/or that a Seller has permission to resell that product when the Seller actually does not).

Even though Amazon doesn’t specifically state it, they want to know that you understand the bigger reason that doing so is prohibited in the first place. So you will need to add that you will not list products by brands who have not given you permission to resell on Amazon, and you will need to acknowledge that using “generic” to work around not having brand permission was theft of the brand’s IP (even if unintentional).

Amazon wants to know that you understand the “why” of the prohibition enough to be respectful of it in the future, so that you will not repeat your mistake.

ETA: @Smokewind now that I’ve seen the original notice from Amazon, you will also need to acknowledge that your violation caused harm to Amazon’s customers by misleading them, and that you are committed to preserving the best Amazon customer experience by only stating truthful information, moving forward.

Unfortunately, I’m not certain that your account will be saved because it depends on more than just your POA in this case.


Thank you for your message and time. Yes, I understand now, that I can’t sell branded products like “Generic”. I will try to rewrite this section:
Greater detail on the root cause(s) of the PDP Content Abuse
It is my mistake, I know that

Thanks again


Out of curiosity, what brand item did you list as generic? Why did you list as generic?

I ask because you could actually have bigger problems. Answering these questions accurately will help all of us help you


Hello Dear Pepper_Thine_Angus,
It’s not a big secret, I used a “Generic” for Polish brand “Mesko”. It’s unknown brand in the USA. They do not sell anything in US market. It’s a small brand in Poland.



Did you attempt to list it as the brand name before listing as generic?

I ask because:

They seem to focus on munitions, something that is not in general allowed to be sold on Amazon.


Sorry that I left you hanging in the NSFEMy Post … but I’ve not been on there today.

Glad though that you came here!

I still see issue with you not explaining exactly what you did in the Root Cause.

My edits are only suggestions, in BOLD


Thank you for answering my message and your comments. Yes, it is my fault, I understand this. I don’t have an experience in sales on Amazon. I starting business on Amazon fast, to get some income for my family because I lost my business once the war began. I just trying to keep my family alive in Ukraine, with AIR siren everyday, under fire, rockets and bombs. But step by step, I hope, will get some experience and will stop to do mistakes like idiot.

Thanks again!


I am not saying this to be mean, harsh, or rude. I say this to make sure you understand the Amazon “mindset”.

Amazon simply does not care. Amazon is a machine. Honestly the machine (bot) caught the violation. No emotion was involved. No emotion will be factored in when reading the appeal either.

This is why I and others are asking these questions, to help FOCUS your appeal so it is razor sharp.


Yes, I know and understand that. I just tried to make clear why I did this stupid violation.


“I was unaware of Amazon Policy when I listed this ASIN” was not in your POA.

Amazon wants to see things like this


I will add this too, thank you very much!


PLEASE post your revised PoA before sending it for more feedback


I will revise POA and post it here again. I want to thank everyone here today for helping me!


IMO no POA is needed and none is requested in your original notice.

You needed to correct your violation, which you did by deleting your detail page.

I do not see the threat of deactivation in your original notice.

Do you have other policy violations affecting your Account Health?

Since you are new here, I will advise you that my knowledge may be dated, and that I believe far too many sellers file POAs unnecessarily and in the process create more problems for themselves due to increased attention to their accounts by enforcers.


No, this is not a MESKO SA, they don’t produce any weapon equipment. Here you can find a link: AdlerEurope


Thank you very much for your advice, Sir! Yes, when Amazon send me a first message, they don’t said me that my account will be deactivated, but when they respond to my next appeal, they said that.

What happens if I do not send the requested information?
If you do not send the requested information within 20 days, your account may be deactivated permanently across all marketplaces in the region of your enforcement. Funds in your account may be held for up to 90 days or longer depending upon the marketplace. Depending on your account status and activities, you may be required to complete an additional review before funds can be released. In some marketplaces–such as Japan, United Arab Emirates, Saudi Arabia and Egypt–funds may not be returned depending on review. Amazon may withhold payments if we determine that your account was used to sell inauthentic or prohibited goods, commit fraud, or engage in other illegal or abusive activity.

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Can you paste the message where it said “will” and not “may” or “could”. It makes a difference.
Feel free to redact any private info or ASIN’s.


This is not very likely if this is your first mistake or only listing you did this on.