POLL: [Business Insider] Threads and other new apps frustrate overwhelmed social media managers

I used to post (never advertise) my products on Facebook and Pinterest, but have been inactive for 6 or 7 years. 2016-2017 I was dealing with major health issues, and by the time I was physically & emotionally ready to get back to my old activities, the world stopped in the specter of COVID.

I keep thinking I “should” get back to posting, but it hasn’t happened. I made a few sales from friends on FB, but not enough to be a big motivator. The newer platforms which appeal to younger people? Not my target demographic.

I bought a cheap video camera because marketing articles say that videos increase sales. It’s almost 2 years and the camera hasn’t left the box.

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Me too but not for long sadly… :rofl:

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Same… only 7 more months left :flushed::sob:


1.5 years for me…

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