PSA - FBA Inventory

As of 3AM EST - FBA Limits are WIDE OPEN.

If you are a FBA seller and plan to ship to Amazon, you better do it ASAP to avoid what I believe will be MASSIVE check in / receiving / FC Transfer delays that will last 4-6 weeks.

Whomever thought it was a good idea to triple / quadruple inventory limits overnight, instead of easing them up over the last 2 months, needs to be fired.

I predict a major debacle which is why I am busy creating all of my SPD / LTL plans as we speak.

Good Luck!


Are they wide open or did they switch from item limits to storage limits, i.e. “Capacity Monitor?”

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Mine are switched.


As are mine …

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We’re not seeing triple or quadruple increases. Not even double. Yesterday we were at 85% of our unit limit. Today we are at 75% of our capacity limit. If we max it out its still about a 120 day supply.


That’s very strange. Both of my accounts saw a tremendous increase.

At 3AM there was a notation of “NO LIMIT” in the inventory planning screen. I see that Amazon was smart enough to remove that today…

My limits went up marginally, and are predicted to drop back almost exactly where they were before April 1st.

What’s your IPI?

We always get a drop this time of year since our product is largely seasonal, mostly winter, then another bump in the summer.

That’s still decent. My 2 accounts are 749 and 809.

From what I understand, IPI means something again with the capacity manager.

It’s also possible that Amazon finally figured out how to handle seasonality after 25 years.

Interesting thread on the NSFE. Looks like sellers of larger products are getting screwed.

Heehee… good one…

We don’t sell much that is oversized.

Replies here on the old announcement, too:

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581 sucks. Even so, I am shocked that Amazon is discarding this seller and their $. I’m sure they are not alone. Most sellers probably haven’t even checked where they are at.

Looks like another bonehead, error-filled new launch for Amazon and their cunning programmers.

Thankfully, and for a change - no complaints on our end on this one.

I don’t understand why Amazon would restrict someone with that (alleged) volume to 120 ft. If that is really less than 1 day’s worth of inventory, then this seller must have been sending in shipments FTL every 2-3 weeks. Something doesn’t add up. Either the seller made a mistake somewhere along the way and doesn’t understand something, the seller is making up numbers, or Amazon screwed up this change far worse than I could have imagined. Which somehow hasn’t impacted any of us…

Agree. You’re probably right. Even the shitty NSFE would have blown up if this issue is widespread.

The only reason why I questioned it is because of what’s going on with @hdms.

I’m quite sure their account is a lot better than my crappy secondary account that does $150K a year. That account went from 30 to 126 feet today. 4X change. That change aligned exactly with my other account on a percentage basis.

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I didn’t account for sellers who lie. Also what could’ve happened to that particular seller is their product size tier is incorrect and requires a cubiscan - one of our old opaque bag packages was measured end to end even though ultimately the actual product was 3/4th the size - so that seller would have to request a product remeasurement first - just a thought

no cry


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