One of the required hazmat exemption form fields is “ingredients,” and “materials” like metal and plastic are prohibited. What do you put if the item is a piece of equipment made of… metal and plastic?

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One of the required hazmat exemption form fields is “ingredients,” and “materials” like metal and plastic are prohibited. What do you put if the item is a piece of equipment made of… metal and plastic?
Are you using excel category template or Manage Inventory Edit page?
What is the category node?
Manage Dangerous Good Classification
This is where I was sent. Not sure what pages you are talking about.
So you either got notified to provide on an existing listing or have a new listing that has triggered this request from Amazon.
On the page link above, you are being asked to upload a safety data sheet or exemption.
This link of the page you were sent to explains …. This is similar to what we are going through with compliance … just that yours is for dangerous goods / hazmat.
This sounds like you are asking about attribute fields on a listing surrounding hazmat exemption. These are found on the category specific excel template or on the Manage Inventory Edit page for that ASIN. Sometimes the Manage Inventory Edit page will show only one attribute for this field or it may allow you to add an additional one (normally you would see something like “Add More+” under the entry box of the first attribute). On an excel template, you will see the attribute and will probably have to unhide columns to be able to see the additional attributes for additonal entries.
If your product is not considered a dangerous good or a hazmat item, then something in your listing triggered the bot to require you to upload the SDS or Exemption sheet. This would lead you back to your listing to fix and then open a case to appeal the bot connection.
One of the required hazmat exemption form fields is “ingredients,”
This field is required on the exemption form itself. Since I can’t put “metal” or “plastic”, am I supposed to put “alloyed steel” and “non-biodegradable petroleum products?” A piece of mechanical equipment does not have “ingredients.”
Ok … so you have an excel form for the exemption. In the ingredients field … if it doesn’t apply, then it should be N/A. This field is for items that have ingredients like food, lip stick, hair spray, etc. It is not for mechanical items.
The video explains the excel sheet fairly good. We downloaded it and verified his instructions.
Save the excel form and then upload it.
In the ingredients field … if it doesn’t apply, then it should be N/A.
The actual instructions on the sheet don’t say this, and I was hoping to get confirmation from someone who has used this upload before sending it in. I honestly don’t know what else to put there, so N/A it is.
We know you probably saw this but it supports the N/A entry …
Therefore … if your item is only metal and plastic, it has no ingredients. = N/A or Not Applicable
if your item is only metal and plastic, it has no ingredients. = N/A
This is a conclusion based on logic and reasoning.
This template was designed by and for use by Amazon.
These are incompatible facts.
My exemption form was denied, and the Manage Dangerous Goods Classifications page now shows this:
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However, I don’t believe there is a SDS for this item, since it is not actually a chemical based product.