Questions about listing/SEO (optimization)

Sorry about the title, I know the O in SEO is for optimization…

The questions:
This one is just curiosity.

  1. If I have multiple conditions for an ASIN, only the original one has the option for adding keywords, subject matter, intended use, other attributes, etc. Is this to prevent making a mess of the listing, or is it that they’re just doing away with the way that the “keywords” tab is designed?

The more pertinent questions.

  1. Is there a better way than repeating the same thing in “other attributes”, subject matter", “style specific terms”? I always thought that “search terms” and “subject matter” where the two most important ones, but one is just a line, the other is 5 lines. But basically write the same in both. Though in search terms you can add misspelled words, different languages, etc

  2. I know that A+ content is not indexed for keywords. Is the description on the ASIN (that has A+ content) indexed? Should I write there as much info as I can? And since it’s not visible I can write it as disjointed and as keyword heavy as I want?

  3. When optimizing variation families,

  • For the parent, should I post the generic aspects in the keywords, search terms, style specific, subject matter. Or is the parent irrelevant for the search.

  • For the children, should I go with the same information in all of them to reiterate the keywords, or should I try to go wide to cover more ground. (For instance, I’d call them all “boiled peanuts” and they can all share that subject matter, search term, style specific, whatever. But in one I can say “recyclable cans”, in other “made in FL”, in the next “great snack” and so on so forth)

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Yes and yes.

For everything else, I am useless and would usually refer you to AZEthos, but I recall from the OSFE that @primetime might be helpful here.


From chatgpt

SEO on Amazon

Search Engine Optimization (SEO) on Amazon refers to the process of optimizing your product listings on Amazon to rank higher in Amazon’s search results and increase visibility to potential customers. Here are some tips for optimizing your product listings for better SEO on Amazon:

Keyword Research: Conduct thorough keyword research to identify the keywords and phrases that your target customers are using to search for products like yours on Amazon. Make sure to include these keywords in your product title, product description, and product features.

Product Title: Your product title should be concise and accurately describe your product, while also including your target keywords.

Product Description: Your product description should provide a detailed overview of your product's features and benefits, while also incorporating your target keywords.

Product Features: Make sure to list all of the important features of your product, and include your target keywords where appropriate.

Product Images: High-quality, detailed product images can help to showcase your product and attract more customers.

Reviews and Ratings: Encourage your customers to leave positive reviews and high ratings for your products, as this can help to improve your product's visibility in Amazon's search results.

Backend Search Terms: Use Amazon's backend search terms to include additional keywords that are relevant to your product, but may not be included in your product title or description.

By following these best practices, you can improve your product’s visibility and search ranking on Amazon, and ultimately drive more sales.

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I use chatgpt to search for keywords and terms. I have come up with some great keywords using this.

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  1. Conditions - it’s just like having multiple sellers on a listing, the system will name a “winner” and that’s where all the content will come from. It’s just how Amazon determines display content. It sucks when a used listing becomes the winner, but it happens.

  2. They’re treated differently by the system and contribute to the category filters, if they apply.

My understanding is that A+ content is indexed for keywords, and the description is as well. I wouldn’t make the description complete nonsense, but yes, you can load it down with everything the thesaurus has to offer.

It’s not worth anything to add misspellings if they’re spell-check correctable. A10 automatically considers this and brand analytics no longer shows misspellings as their own search terms. Gives you more room for better words.

Amazon used to have a keyword optimization tool to tell you when you had duplicate/redundant keywords, and they’d tell you to remove them if they were found elsewhere in your content.

If you consider each word to have a “confidence” score where the computer has a certain level of confidence in its search results, A+ and listing description content adds a little bump to all of that.

The individual product attributes (like materials and styles and all that) also weigh in, but aren’t as strong as description, features, and title. I think these are used for filter flags more than anything. I don’t know how much shoppers are using the filters when they search.

  1. Families are different depending on the category you’re in, and what you choose as your variation style.

Consider the parent to be useless. I don’t even fill content in there most of the time. I do the bare minimum possible and then override everything with child content.

The only time this has ever bitten me was in the apparel category - which sucks and I don’t talk about it.

Children should be treated as individual listings, and loaded up as much as you would any other time.


I thought that A+ was not indexable, but that was just what i read over and over in the OSFE

I wouldn’t upload completely disjointed nonsense, but the question is if it should be written in a supper keyword heavy way? Is there an advantage to repeating/spaming the key word?

For instance, this technically would not be nonsense, except for nobody would (should) write like this:

“TallyTony Boiled Peanuts are the best boiled peanuts in the market because nobody boils peanuts like TallyTony. Boiled Peanuts by TallyTony are the only boiled peanuts that should be eaten by people who enjoy peanuts, boiled, boil, boiled peanuts, cashews, legumes, peanut, peanuts, boil, boiled peanut”

Interesting, I thought that Search Terms were encouraged to be written in common misspellings and different languages. I will update that a bit.

I think that most people go for fba or fbm, price and reveiws. But I have no hard data to corroborate this assumption.

I try to keep everything consistent through the children. I hate when sibling listings have different information other than the variation theme (color, size, quanity, etc). IMO upload files come handier when doing the variations. For individual listings I could take them or leave them.

This is a really good question. Since I have A+ and my description doesn’t show, I just have a quick dumb sentence in there since it’s required. Based on these responses, I might have to revisit that.

My A+ is mostly images, so I can’t see any indexing there - but watching this to see what others say.


Not I, unfortunately, must be someone else. I am watching this thread hoping to learn more. Since I have not registered my brand I cannot use A+ content.
I need to do that.

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I believe the order between Title and Backend KW’s should be reversed in order of importance.

  1. Title first - Title always

  2. Parent can be generic and it doesn’t index as far as I’m aware. Index is tied into search/and or what can be presented for conversion.

a. Title
b. Bullets
c. Search Terms
d. Attributes
e. Description

I think after b. the order of importance doesn’t really matter - but you can A/B test these manually to see if makes a difference in conversion rate.

  1. Each variation then can carry a modified title as long as its on the same listing - I would add most important single keywords on each variation and the most important one on the most popular variation.

  2. I don’t sell different conditions so not too familiar with listing set ups or how that would come into play.

  3. Always use brand analytics and opportunity explorer for kw - the data is right there; google and everything else is tertiary to the core amazon algo - outside traffic is a different matter.

I hope I didn’t miss the crux of the query.

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I think it’s a great answer.
Same as AGenuineForumUser, 1Goodbye and Papy.
Amazon’s algorithm for keyword indexing remains a secret, just like ipi or buybox. So other than shared experience/guesses, I think that all logical experimentation is pertinent. Ymmv depending on the category, competition, abuse of listings and ppc, etc.


Parents usually show up as “incomplete” which basically removes them from everything.

This used to be true, but it was fixed. However, that spell-check rule matters. Blue, Bleu, and Blew would not be fixed by A10, for example. Thermometer, thermometre and tehrmometer would be, though.

Not according to Amazon. You should make the most out of every character you have by using different keywords, as the system literally skips repeats. They used to have a tool in brand registry that would do this for you and show you all the repeat words, but my understanding is that this tool is gone now.

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