REMINDER: USPS Price Changes Happen January 19, 2025 - Closed Monday 1/20/2025

Just a quick reminder that USPS price changes happen this Sunday January 19, 2025.

As of January 19, 2025, the USPS is expected to implement price increases for shipping services, including a 3.2% increase for Priority Mail and Priority Mail Express, a 3.9% increase for USPS Ground Advantage, and a 9.2% increase for Parcel Select, while keeping the price of first-class mail (stamps) unchanged; these changes are set to take effect on January 19, 2025.

These price increases are based on the prices in place prior to the holiday increase so a small decrease in pricing coming out of the holidays but higher than before holidays.


USPS will be closed on Monday January 20, 2025 for MLK day.


I do appreciate it when a price increase actually results in a decrease of my current costs due to their holiday surcharge!

Trying to explain that to a ‘bystander’ is almost as complicated as trying to explain that a lower number for the CPI for the month does NOT mean that prices actually went down.

A not so subtle reminder that " Figures Lie and Liars Figure" and it is all encased in smoke and mirrors…


My shipping is all fixed price, and my current online offers are all under 1 lb/

I offer any speed of delivery so long as it is Ground Advantage.

The goal is not to lose any money each month on my total shipping charges. Although I may raise my shipping charge on new listings, I have not done a reprice on all old listings for years.

I did go back and increase the shipping on some old listings where the price level was a money loser for all locations, when this year’s holiday surcharge came on.

This should allow me to ignore the latest price changes.