Seems the mods are now as helpful as seller support on the sucky forums

Another hijacking attempt

She actually quotes that I can’t do her stupid solution.

BTW the issue is now resolved, I have a feeling she was too embarrassed to post again.


What little help the mods were in the OSFE, they at least mostly had some ability to think and have independent thoughts, That seems to have all gone out the window with the NSFE


It’s funny to see that the volume of posts has gone up quite a bit from when the NSFE launched. That’s a testament to how many new sellers there are that didn’t know the way it used to be.

Sharing their PI without even knowing it or thinking that sort of thing is “normal”.


More likely they don’t know. It’s not like there is a warning when you enter the NSFE that you are about to blast your seller name out there.


I state my piece freely in the NSFE. Is that going to come back and bite me?


For my own part, I truly don’t think so, Swim; while I don’t actively participate in the NSFE (never have, never will), I spent several years NOT holding my peace in the two-prior iterations of the ASF (“Amazon Seller Forums”) when it came to pointing out this or that of Amazon’s many foibles, w/ no noticeable effect upon our sales.

That being said, it is Amazon we’re talking about, and we all know what it a fickle beast it can be (and/or how easily this or that person in a position of authority COULD perceive a burr under their saddle) - so if I were concerned that saying my piece might, even to the slightest degree, produce a negative impact upon business as usual, I’d be likely to (reluctantly) hold my tongue.


Personally, I only know of one Seller (Florida-based, iirc) whose Forum behavior resulted in a short and temporary selling time out (plus corresponding Forum time out). And honestly it was well-deserved, and they returned to the Forum (mostly) reformed. BUT…I only know about the temporary selling suspension because they told me, so my caveats are that they could have been lying (but like, why?) OR it could happen much more frequently and we just don’t know about it.

But specifically for you @SWIMLARRY, what I recall from the OSFE is you being a bit cantankerous now and then and always willing to quite rightly call out Amazon, but never approaching the behavior of this other Seller…so IMO you are safe as long as you keep things respectful toward specific Amazon staff. :sweat_smile:


I have another theory on that.

Oddly, there continue to be a good number of “repeat” posts with identical wording all the way through, but posted by different posting identities. Other posts might have a paragraph or two with the exact same wording, some have identical (but unusual) phrasing, and so forth, but all “matches” have clearly come from the same source.

Way too much for this to be coincidence, or a seller just copying and pasting another seller’s post because of a common problem. And, because of how they present, I don’t even think it’s a shared online template thing.

Is it possible that mods themselves (or bots?) are starting threads, posing as sellers, with the goal of pumping up the numbers on that desolate landscape? Then they (or another mod/bot) make a response to add to their own “reply count”?

Maybe this is an old theory but I’ve just never seen anyone posit it.


Never thought about that but it makes sense, especially for Amazon…

They might even be recycling old posts from the OSFE with new fake user names.


I don’t think so. For one thing, most of those posts don’t have mod responses. For another, most of the ones I’ve seen at least are variations on a theme: Amazon caught me doing something I don’t think should be wrong, fix it!

I think it’s more likely that they are opened by VAs through their clients’ accounts.


We don’t think this is the case.

Doubt that also. If a mod was to start a new thread off of an old thread, it would be to use it as a solution to a current issue and it wouldn’t be with a fake name as there would be no benefit to that.

Agree … this makes more sense.


This seems unlikely as the volume serves to accent how little response there is.



Over the last 102 weeks (i.e., since the last-remaining of us were borged by the NSFE), I’ve collected a voluminous list of VAs & Consultants doing exactly that, because it’s not particularly difficult to discern their ‘tells’ once one knows where - and how - to look for that.


This, or even maybe to entrap other Sellers also doing the same wrong thing, somehow? :thinking:

I mean, just because we’re paranoid doesn’t mean it isn’t happening! :wink: