Shipping Templates - Changing the ship from warehouse

Hello! I ship from one of our manufacturers (within compliance of Amazon’s dropship policy) but this warehouse is in a different state. I’m trying to update the ship from warehouse information (which is pertinent to the “deliver by” date the customers see), but I only have my location listed and cannot add. Does anyone know where I would input this information so I can add it to my template?

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I’m not 100% sure about this, given your specific parameters, but I suspect that you would need to add the address(es) using the ‘Edit’ functionality displayed in the “Default shipping address” section of General Shipping Settings (, with the ‘+ Add a new address’ feature exposed in the Editor’s ‘pop-up window.’


:woman_facepalming: duh. Thank you!


You are most welcome, my friend - that’s why our friends in the SAS Staff expend their time and treasure in supporting the BSFE (“Best Seller Forums Experience”), and selflessly ask nothing more from the rest of us other than that we “pay it forward” whenever and wherever we can.