If they think this is bad, they need to think about the combined spying of Alexa, Amazon Prime Video, Amazon Prime Shopping, and AWS hosting most everything that needs to be “scalable”.
These direct to consumer Chinese imports are a “free market” wett dream, but eventually the repercussions of cheap trash will catch up when someone get poisoned, burned, electrocuted or strangled by their cheap dress/shirt. Either that or their identity will be stolen with embedded spyware.
I’ve shopped on Temu a few times for low-quality products. I would not download any shopping app to my Android tablet or phone. I’ve heard the usual internet rants and seen the memes. I wasn’t sure if they were true.
Temu is having other effects which were not expected.
From this morning’s WSJ
There is also the crackdown on de minimis shipment checks by CBP slowing everything down.
This reminds me of the big sales tax argument (where Amazon ended up being ordered to collect sales tax). They’re gonna need to pass a law ordering the platform to collect the correct customs duties for all these packages.
Enforcing individual packages will never work
Remind me again just how long (in terms of decades) it took for the pre-internet Quill precedent to be overturned by the Wayfair ruling.
Nah, Amazon and all the platforms along with CBP have the buyer/account data. Once you get over the minimum, the tariffs should go into effect like sales taxes. Put the onus on the platforms.
I think it would be awesome for the everyday Temu shopper to hit the max, and learn who actually pays tariffs. My dim witted neighbor cannot comprehend that I have to cut a check to the CBP for import tariffs.
A 58 year old educated physicians assistant, thinks in 2024, that the CCP writes a check to the United States because that is how it was implied to them on TV. Imagine what the average joe thinks happens.
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