šŸˆ Super Bowl LVII 2023

Some of these commercials are, confusing

Some? :man_facepalming:

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Some of us just donā€™t give a darn about football. Count me in, not watching the Chefs vs. the Dog Killers tonight.

Donā€™t hate me in the morning.


It was good football and a great game! Eagles have a lot to be proud of. 'Til 2024!

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What about the commercials? I scanned some in the 3rd and 4th quarters. Seems half were promos for other Fox shows. Maybe they couldnā€™t sell the advertising.

John Travolta trying to bring back Grease? Um, no.

Premature electrification? Yikes :grimacing: Canā€™t see how that got on the air. Also canā€™t see how it would make a guy want to buy an EV. It made me laugh, but isnā€™t the point to sell cars?

The best one was the shelter animal beer commercial.

Edit. Not sure how ā€œdonā€™t do your taxesā€ got past legal.

The best one was the shelter animal beer commercial

I didnā€™t watch any from the first half, so canā€™t compare. That one was pretty funny, thatā€™s a wolfā€¦

Amazon did a good job with the lonely dog/new puppy one, although the tie-in to Amazon seemed tenuous at best. You could buy a dog crate for the new puppy anywhere, and get the same results.

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I was starting to get angry at the Amazon one, assuming either they were going to lock the poor bored pup in a crate (mean for a free range dog) or take him to a ā€œfarm upstateā€ but yes your right it was also good.

*context. My pup is crate trained, is free range while a hooman is home and sleeps in the hooman bedroom. He has free access to his crate when ever he wants (alone time). He is ok being in his crate when home alone (nice thick bed and toys), but a dog that is not crate trained can get very upset in a crate.

Edit: my pup is also a pandemic adoption, so he has known nothing but someone home 24/7! This is starring to change as the other half had been full remote for the last 4 years (pre covid) and is now one day a week in office. Pup is handling it well.


I was enjoying the commercial, before knowing it was for Amazon. :laughing:

Because the dog was cute, and later on, mischievous, and the story was relatable. Having the family at home during lockdown must have made pets happy. It was fun trying to guess what the ad might ultimately be trying to sell, as there was no clue in the first part.

But I still donā€™t think - bring in a new puppy to keep the first dog occupied while weā€™re away so he stops destroying the house - is really an Amazon thing. The storyline didnā€™t need Amazon to be part of it at all.

The rock star ad wasnā€™t bad. My favorite part was when Ozzie says - Iā€™ve done my share of bad things - and your share of bad things. :laughing: Not an Ozzie Osbourne fan, but that was pretty funny.

Yeah that dog one was not good.
The dog was used to the family being home and giving attentionā€¦
so when they go back to school and work they donā€™t ever spend time with itā€¦
it acts up (because it is stressed and begging for attention)ā€¦ and their ā€œsolutionā€ is not to give it the attention it deserves when they are home, but to bring another dog into the mix (both will then chew things up when left alone all day and ignored when family is home).
Thatā€™s like a couple thinking having another kid will solve their marital issues.

Like last year, there were at least two commercials that just had a QR code to scan with no indication of what they were. Makes it very easy to never know who wasted millions on that ad though.

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Honestlyā€¦was that in the video? We didnā€™t get to see any of the game live. We arrived at the off site holding spot, stayed for about 30 minutes, then went to the stadium to wait. Didnā€™t get to watch the second half either.

Not a football fan, simply never was, even growing up