Few things to note here:
While this does not DIRECTLY effect Amazon/ebay/etc, we all know DCMA take downs are abused.
Google won by default because the accused never bothered to respond.
Google did not seek a monetary penalty, they only wanted to bar said actors from abusing the system in the future, but I’m not sure that will be easily enforceable.
Amazon should take note here. Google spend $ and went out of their way to do this, because in the end every DCMA take down costs Google $.
Key statement here but does this really do anything? I don’t think so. New identity / email address / IP Addy is all they will need to go right back at it. No penalty at all. Things might have been different if these bad actors resided in the US. Assume a good chunk of bad actors do not.
“Google’s victory sends a clear message: those who attempt to manipulate the system can and will be held accountable. However, it is unlikely that the injunction will have a significant impact on the wider ‘scammer’ community.”
My only hope here is Google is saying FAFO. They are sending a message that they will not lie down for abuse. That is at least a step.
Better identification of fraud would be a plus too.
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