This is a new one -- Anyone ever hear of the "Amazon Buyability Team"

I had a response on this post on the NSFE that mentions this group, which frankly, I have not run into before.

Anyone know anything about them?

"I did the video check, got email this am, all is fine!

now, yet another email from Amazon Buyability Team telling me i need to do the inform act again!!

3 times and a video, all saying, we have verified, only for another email to come to tell me to do it again!

This really is beyond comprehension. "

The OP claims 12 years on Amazon but only has posts for the last 12 months and is baffled that Amazon says one thing and then changes their ‘mind’. Smells like a rookie pretending some history to me.


The “Amazon Buyability Team” is a relatively-new (since 2022) nomenclature used by the various Hyderabad Incubator-based Amazon Teams, which is typically focused on those 3P Sellers whose efforts are concentrated in Regional Marketplaces other than the Americas Region, that has replaced earlier iterations of Selling Coach.

AFAIC, entreaties from ANY of those teams should be taken with a hefty grain of salt.


If it is OK with you I will change this a little bit and let the OP know what’s up.