Tracking shows damaged, will AtoZ cover for INR?

I have dealt with many AtoZ claims, but very few cases where the tracking actually says the package was damaged in transit, and in this Venn diagram I have never had an AtoZ claim on an order for INR when the tracking says the item was damaged.

Can anyone confirm if Amazon will cover such a claim, or is refunding my best bet?

They SHOULD. (Disclaimer: Assuming Buy Shipping and scanned on time).



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UPS Ground. Amazon Buy Shipping. No separate insurance.

I know it should be covered, but Amazon has a habit of publishing policies they don’t follow, and I was wondering if anyone could confirm if Amazon actually does cover such claims.


Can anyone ever confirm anything with Amazon? :roll_eyes:

But does it show delivery to the buyer?

Also … as long as it’s INR … Here’s my basic template, which is very similar to JwsMarket’s


This SHOULD BE all that matters. AtoZ bot looks, sees not delivered, granted

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No, the tracking says
1:39 P.M. Damage Reported”

No movement since then, and I expect it will not be delivered. I’ll start a claim with UPS.


A-to-Z Guarantee

A-to-z Guarantee

The A-to-z Guarantee protects you when you buy items sold and fulfilled by a third-party seller. It covers both the timely delivery and condition of your items.

This is on the customer facing on A-to-Z Guarantee so a delivered damaged would be covered under condition and not seller faulted.


I forgot to edit the help page to :

Also, I think I recall that Amazon will not cover the INR if the package does not show as delivered.

The INR policy page says (implies?) Amazon should cover any shipping issues as long as the seller ships on time with Amazon’s shipping, however we know this is not true. If the item is delayed and not delivered, Amazon will often refuse to cover the claim and ding the seller. However, in this case the tracking clearly states the item is damaged, which is a new wrinkle in the AtoZ process that I have never experienced first hand.


There have long been two main schools of thought (Yea/Nay) on that in our Seller Community; our friend @lake has repeatedly pointed out over the years the possibility of the latter proving true.

Amazon is all over the map on this, judging from what I’ve seen posted in the ASF since the 1May`16 advent of the Buy Shipping INR Guarantee, so it remains difficult for me to pinpoint the actual target.

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The “shows as delivered” was a caveat for SFP, not Buy Shipping.

The Buy Shipping policies might not be consistently honored in the first place, but the end result is that it is in all but a very few cases–and jeff@ resolves those.

Buy Shipping only requires (1) purchasing service through Amazon and (2) shipping on time per Amazon. Amazon covers all delivery issues for that order, regardless of reason. This reason is INR (or possibly eventually “arrived damaged in transit”. Direct Buyer to file A2Z after 3 days beyond EDD.


As per policy, yes.
In practice, I have had standard FBM shipments where the package was delayed, not lost or damaged, and not yet delivered but Amazon refused to cover the INR.
As Amazon is stupid and the bots are stupider, I cannot say conclusively that the reason these INR claims were not covered was due to the lack of delivery, but it was the only thing these orders had in common.


I mean this is borderline illegal that we have to all second guess what Amazon will actually do. Dumbfounded how Amazon simply does not care anymore, and I know I shouldn’t be.

Hey Kate, how bout fix crud like this rather then destroy the last decent help tool there is? Nah!


If Amazon intended using Amazon Shipping to be a substitute for Insurance, you would think they would say so. They do not say so and they sell insurance on the Buy Shipping pages.

Amazon does not miss an opportunity to promote its services if it does not cost them any more than they intend to spend.

This has always been the way I search for what Amazon intends. Unfortunately, they do not tell the bot writer their intent. When there are conflicting answers from sellers or support, it usually means that the story we are reading lacks key elements.