Update to recommended sell-through range

I noticed this today when I wondered why my IPI was 31 points lower than last week (a big change).

Looking at the NSFE forums, I found this:

So, it is at least two months old, but it probably didn’t affect many sellers’ IPI and stuff related to it. Or they recently started implementing it and we’ll start seeing threads about it.


Just took a look, and my IPI has dropped 29 points in last 7 days, my sell- through is in the red just under “1”, but my IPI score is still in mid 800 range, so that’s still well above the minimum threshold.

In the past, I have kept track of all the different numbers for FBA Inventory Performance weekly, but the up and downs of the numbers didn’t seems to really effect anything as far as my ability to do FBA, so I just gave up and haven’t paid any attention to my IPI for a while.


One must always look at Amazon’s suggestions, recommendations, and estimates as a “sales pitch” for Amazon services that will entail fees.

While there are metrics that cannot be ignored, none of them matter as much as sales. If you sell (within the rules), they let you continue to do so. The gamifying of “metrics” is an attempt to capture and hold your attention on Amazon, rather than looking at alternative channels that compete with Amazon.


Nail, meet hammer.