UPS Strike Vote Approved

I’m not sure the White House has any say in a private companies strike AFAIK. They can ask, but it’s not like FAA or RxR strike where the feds can block it. Also AFAIK, the White House hasn’t signaled it wants to step in. Of course no administration wants to see a UPS strike.

I can tall you that as a business, I am stocking and plaining ahead, as I have been since the beginning of 2020, in case a strike does happen. I hope, as I think we all do, that it does not happen.


The President can intervene at any time to stop or prevent a UPS strike under the Railway Labor Act (because UPS does use rail for a portion of their freight) and the Taft-Hartley Act, if he determines it to be in the best interest of the nation or a national emergency. Neither an actual strike nor the length of the strike has any bearing on his authority to do so.

One of the biggest issues is that their is currently no Labor Secretary and there is likely not to be one for the foreseeable future, due to partisan, political bickering. With this void, The Administration has few options but to either ignore the situation or stop the strike.

Despite the socialist bent of the Teamsters public statements, the record profits of 2022 are not relevant, furthermore, if a Labor Secretary were confirmed and in place mediation would not be able to consider that factor, since those would be a one-off, or windfall.

Also consider that UPS has committed to $400M in additional costs to purchase new fleet equipped with A/C which will have additional ongoing costs in maintenance and fuel. Plus, the increase in full time wages and benefits already agreed to. There isn’t much left in the UPS check book, to bargain with.


The powers of the White House include those provided by the Taft-Hartley Act which have not been invoked in many years.

The biggest headline today relative to the strike is POLITICAL. The Teamsters Union has asked the White House to stay out of the dispute.

I hope this short post conforms with this forum’s policy as well as provides a pointer to those who might want to know more.


It does

I stand corrected

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It does

Haven’t you ever heard that saying - give them an inch, and they’ll take a mile? :laughing:


I’ve driven 125 miles today


So have I


I say let them wear shorts

Family Guy Summer GIF

Listen, the brown shorts men deliver to me much better then the white trucks, and this has changed a lot over the years.


Yeah, idk its always changing for me. Different issues at different times.

We are using Amazon now for most of our shipping, so hopefully we are shielded from this strike.

Also, according to Google "Acording to a report, about 70 percent of 230,000 USPS vehicles do not have air conditioning "

Food for thought.

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A strike on any carrier will have ripple effects on ALL carriers as loads are distributed towards others, and will effect all suppliers in one way or another no matter how they ship.



Just contract with Uber for 10 days?

Think About It GIF by Identity

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It is quite conceivable that both FEDEX and USPS have excess capacity.

FEDEX has deliberately been shrinking to meet the huge decrease in their volume.

Too soon to tell what the effects of the USPS Ground Advantage effort will be, but they have plenty of sorting capacity, thanks to equipment redeployment last year. I have no clue how full their trucks are.

But I do think that we are at a season where there is some excess capacity at most carriers.


We have thus far reasonably come to the line.

Let’s not cross it.

Go no further than you have–no more “socialist”, please, when that descriptor in that context is up for debate (but not here!)–and we should be fine.


…any one loses self-control.

We’re already here :arrow_down:

For sure but not the people. They will have to whip out their temp employee playbook they use during the holidays.

Really curious what Amazon will do about their partner carrier program for SPD if this strike happens.


AJ has a plan…



So let me get something straight… One day, my Amazon Prime shipment is going to be delivered out of the back of Vinny Boombot’s disgusting, human feces covered plumbing van?

What could possibly go wrong? I get annoyed when some stranger shows up in a Nissan Sentra, with no Amazon vest on, carrying my stuff to my door.



Preferably, a Mike Diamond plumbing van. They are the “smell good plumber”. Less feces.

Wonder how many FBI vans will make deliveries. Sorry, Pizza Delivery vans with antennas.


Delivering in 30 minutes or less in a neighborhood near you…
