UPS Strike Vote Approved

So let me get something straight…

People probably thought similar things when Uber first came out. Why would I want to get in some rando’s nasty car? :laughing:


True… At least I did.

I still feel that way. Only use Uber for emergencies.

(The theme should be playing in your head already)

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I’ve had some seriously scary people deliver to my house from “lasership” in some pretty busted automobiles for Amazon…

■■■■ comes fast though. Sometimes in just a few hours. I’ll look the other way.


Lasership is the worst! Lol. They drive nothing but very very dented used minivans with magnetic LS on the door. They drive worse they Swift!

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There’s no signs on these vehicles and they aren’t vans either. They are dented up old cars LOADED with packages - Trunk / Back / Passenger Seat / DASHBOARD…


In smaller and less-restrictive conurbations than yours - ever since the AMZN_US/AMZL Program was first launched lo those many years ago - it has not proven to be particularly unusual to see street-legal tractors towing trailers stuffed to the gunwales, and far above, with parcels & packages destined for Amazon-ordered deliveries.

I recorded my first snapshot of that phenomenon back in 2013, in Clearwater - and I’ve seen the same in many another state ever since.


Lasership! We had one of those vans, (lacking only a handpainted sign saying “free candy” to complete the ensemble) pull up the drive of our NJ place. (We were not there, so the whole drama played out on video.)

Van pulls in, but does not come close to the front door, instead hesitates, deciding between the stub of the drive that goes to the garage, and the circular drive past the front of our humble country cottage. Too late, in pulls the local constabulary, blocking his exit, and doing a “traffic stop”, taking ID back to the cruiser to check it out. A ticket is NOT issued, but a long conversation ensues.
The cop then backs out and the Lasershipper drives around the circle and out to the road, and the cop reappears in the gap in the trees for the drive, following the Lasership truck again. Clearly the van pulled in trying to avoid/hide from the cop, or though our drive was a road.

Why do I tell this story? Because my lovely wife reported this incident to me as “The Cottage was Attacked by a Lasership!”

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This Tuesday, July 25:

Meanwhile, but sure to check out this SellersAskSellers topic:

Thanks for the update. I wonder if this would be the last talk before the strike happens. I’ve read from another source that UPS started to train non-union workers ahead of the strike (see below).

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No one can come back from the table too early. They will take it down to the wire so they can tell their people they did all they could.

UPS is hiring workers to make the union members nervous (not to mention they really need a plan B).

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Well, you finally did it. You made me look up a word.
And for such a stupid word too.

Curious what everyone’s final ship day to the FC is. I’m making mine tomorrow.

Depending on where the FC is, Yes, tomorrow is a smart move

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I have FCs nearby, but Amazon sometimes wants to send it 3 states away.

I made it today because one of the shipments has to travel across 5-6 states. Hopefully it gets there by next Monday.

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LOL, that source was me :wink: July 17: UPS Strike Vote Approved - #16 by papy.

Agreement reached: