Thought we would give heads up. We renewed in March 2024. Today, December 30, 2024 we got the notice to renew again … It’s like last time … click to review and click to certify.
Hello XXX,
Under the US INFORM Consumers Act, you are required to keep certain business information provided to Amazon current, including your name, address, phone number, email address, bank account information, and Tax ID number. You are also required to electronically certify to Amazon at least once per year that either you have provided any changes to your information or there have been no changes to this information.
Review your account information and complete your electronic certification by following the instructions below to avoid disruption to your selling account. If you do not certify your information within 10 days of this notice, your account will be at risk of account deactivation, as required by the law.
(Please disregard this notice if you have already certified your information and received an acknowledgment notice.)
How do I certify my information and avoid account deactivation?
Go to the INFORM Act Notice and Certification step in your (Account Health page).
Follow the instructions on the page to review the required information, update it if necessary, and click the “Certify” button to certify that it is up-to-date.
Please note that only the primary user or secondary user authorized with Confirm/Change Account Information permissions will be able to certify the information.
What happens if I don’t complete certification within 10 days?
If you do not certify your information within 10 days of this notice, you will receive account deactivation warning notifications, and your account will be at risk of deactivation as required by the law.
We’re here to help.
To learn more, refer to our ‘About the INFORM Consumers Act’ (help page).
If you have questions or need help with this process, click on the ‘Contact Us’ button on your Account health page to contact an Account Health Specialist.
Me, too - I at the first blush suspected that there might’ve been a lame-duck amendment and/or Executive Order in play for the Uniform Act itself, rather than yet-another notification targeted towards ensuring Inform Act compliance.
It’s been a long week. Neighbor on one side had a major stroke last Monday 12/23. Neighbor on the other side was put into the hospital on Thursday 12/26. Our main computer hard drive crashed on Christmas morning. Also on Thursday 12/26, Amazon hit us with compliance requests on 90% of our product after having moved categories on us at the beginning of December. Our new car battery died on Friday 12/27. Our oldest daughter was here from 12/26 to today 12/30 (hadn’t seen her in 5 years).
So while we were saying goodbye, trouble shooting the car and installing and programming a hard drive today, Amazon sent this thing, made our heart jump and, then trying to hurry up, we decided to rename this thing (not really … just let our fingers fly and type whatever came out … ).
We didn’t even catch it until @VTR edited the title … so we edited the tag which had the same uninform act.
But hey … the original title caught some attention … LOL.
Just got ours, time now 6:26pm EST 12/31/2024 you have got to be kidding me Amazon.
This along with " Your Amazon seller detail pages have been temporarily removed" on a product (about 14 product variations) under one of our brands we manufacture. Why? The claim they are, … “potentially violating Amazon’s Restricted Products policy”
Sure they are, magnetic trays we manufacture right here in America, to hold markers on a white board or other magnetic product.
Why, oh why, Amazon do you do this on a holiday just a few hours before the new year.
Of note; my letter Z on my key board is no longer connected, I wonder why, then again, I think I know why.
Ladies and Gentlemen, all previous bets are off (it’s perhaps noteworthy that MY TOS closely mimics Amazon’s own ).
I’m plunking down coin on what I now consider to be the front-runner in the annual “Best Post of the Year” Sweepstakes, and seeking to hedge me bets here (link, SAS) and here (link, SAS) (among certain other ‘scrambling attempts’ elsewhere in other places, marketspaces, & seller-discussion venues ).
No email … but I’m now “at risk” as of today 01022025. I didn’t log in yesterday to SC though, so it could’ve shown then.
I completed it quickly though.
ETA - I see the email DID come in at 4:52, after I had completed it and posted on the NSFE (@ 4:58, but I had done a bunch of screenshots for that post)