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Yepper - we didn’t get the dreaded “[Action required] Verify your information for the INFORM Consumers Act” email until 25May23, but we were able to breeze right through the mess without uploading a bank statementNote 1 by 12Jun23, once the various options became available and/or were invoked (by me) through this or that ‘backdoor’ point of access - largely because I diligently followed any & all SIV-related ASF threads for many years, and have done so here in the SAS (lurkingly) ever since @oneida_books’ 6Feb23 ‘Heads-Up’ thread Just an FYI on all the account reverifcations, and why

Thanks to such perusal of various discussion venues, I had noticed that there was a relatively-new component of this enforcement initiative - the so-called ‘+1/Country code’ requirement - so on 23May23 I visited the Business Address and Phone Number Dashboard; unlike what subsequently became the standard in this ever-evolving debacle, I submitted in what was then shown as the ‘greyed-out default’ format, “+1 (xxx) xxx-xxxx”Note 2.

When it finally became possible to invoke the ‘SIV Postcard’ functionality on 6Jun23 - a first for me, as we were not subject to that in the earlier go-rounds of the last few years - it took a day for the status to change from ‘Preparing/Processing’ to ‘Dispatched’, at which time the EDD was 17June.

I kept the Business Address Dashboard open on a VM (“Virtual Machine”) from 23May until 12Jun, and was mildly amused to see the EDD bounce back and forth, earlier and later, until finally settling back to 17th on the 12th.

The postcard actually arrived on that date, & w/in two & ½ hours of submitting the code, we were good to go.

Note 1

I am not presently A Member At The Bar, but even I know what our legal eagles would have to say should I revisit the question I raised back in 2016, when I first began to see indications - gleaned from my observation of ASF posts, when it was still being hosted by the Jive Platform, concerning Amazon demanding provision of bank statements for what was not-then yet-known as the “SIV” (“Seller Identity Verification”) process - about supplying Amazon with one of our corporate bank statements.

In contrast, I chose the “Credit Card Statement” option, and added some refinements of my own, because I felt comfortable that I most-likely could trigger the desired result by doing so:

  1. First, I deliberately chose a hard-copy statement from October 2022 - supposedly, out-of-date for the 180-day requirement that some have reported - for the card we’ve always used to supply Credit Method Manager

  2. Next, I deliberately scanned a mis-aligned/‘tilted’ copy - on the grounds of possibly evading this or that poorly-targeted first-echelon Amabot, and thereby forcing human interaction - and created a 1-page pdf from the resulting image file

  3. I archived that pdf in its original form, and then renamed a copy to “CreditMethodManager_AMEX-053023” - the date I uploaded it, after waiting 5 days for Amazon to enable the option, & the standard abbreviation for the card provider - before uploading that

I cannot say with any surety that any of those efforts played any role in our quick success in clearing that particular hurdle - but I can say that less than 12 hours later, the cherished 'Green Checkmark appeared for that portion

Note 2

Eventually, Cooper and other NSFE mods somewhat-sheepishly admitted that those who were reporting that the correct format being accepted for them was “+1xxxxxxxxxx” were correct - and sure enough, upon logging into Seller Central on 11May2023, I was presented with yet another of the ever-popular “Emergency Contact Phone” prompts (the first & only I’ve seen in 2023, after the recurrent quarterly-or-more-often bouts w/ that annoyance which we & other members of our Seller Community have experienced with that ever since TSV/2FA became a requirement), and I was compelled to submit in the revised format.