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Oh my gosh @zohair12976! That’s a huge toss into the deep end of the pool. Any questions, any time, just let us know–we’re here to help. :sunglasses:


i was seeking button cell hell info on the net and came across some familiar emojis.


It’s easy to get overwhelmed by Amazon. It’s much more difficult for new sellers than it was when many of us started years ago. So hang in there, and remember you are not alone in your struggle or learning.


Welcome to everyone!


July 2024 dates and marketing ideas in :lock: SAS Confidential (members only)



:medal_sports: Let’s give an Olympic-sized welcome to our newest members! @andydob @Maygoldfisher @thepilot @MrWhiskersMom @Jadey @Florence9090 @kevbot @NellyBoi001 @bigblued @idaso888 @no_need_to_yell @Basket123 @tacree1202 @selly @ricksframes.com @jordanmanning96 @T4NG0 @red7255 @fancyIX @Lwhite91 @TrueSkin @Liu @jml @ray89121


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Hello all, very happy to be here! I am an account manager at my place of work, and Amazon is one of our top customers. Since Amazon is always changing policy, I am pretty much always lurking NSFE for solutions and advice. A member on NSFE had alluded to a new forum created by experienced sellers that had left NSFE. After a quick reddit search, I found this forum!

My intent for joining is to be an active part of the community. Our company is an Amazon Renewed seller and lately this program has been experiencing many policy changes from Amazon. I would love to connect with other Amazon Renewed sellers and share thoughts and strategies for dealing with the headaches of this program and Amazon in general. Happy selling to all! :partying_face:


Welcome all new members!


Hello and long time no see! Not that we were very active on OSFE to begin with, but very happy to be back and Thank you for the warm welcome @papy !

It has been a very drastic change for us since our goodbye post when NSFE was imposed. Some of you may recall, we were originally in the beauty category for years. Since around Q2 of 2023, the bots in the beauty category went absolutely insane (which I think @Sundance would agree). Suddenly every lotion contains growth hormones, every shampoo contains minoxidil, and everything is identified as an unapproved product that does not meet the FDA’s labeling requirements (we are talking about big brand names here), and the violations hit us like crazy.

The violations piled up so fast that while the first few dozens were “No impact” on the AHR, the following ones became “High”, accusing us of repeat offense, to the point they threatened to suspend us if the situation was not solved or an acceptable POA was not submitted within 72 hours. (FYI at that point our AHR was still around 750, and we had Account Health Assurance, or else we would be shut down immediately even at 750.) As we all know, even when you have all the documents, there is no guarantee that your appeals will be handled appropriately within 72 hours, not to mention we are talking about dozens of appeals that need to be filed. (BTW we also did not join the SAS program so no path to escalate internally…)

In those 3 days we were constantly on the phone with Account Health, filing as many appeals (and re-appeals) as we could, while at the same time submitting POAs, but clearing all that up within 72 hours was simply impossible. On the last day a new Account Health rep (with quite a noticeable Chinese accent, but was fluent and very helpful) suggested we drop the beauty category completely (he’s like “I fully understand the impact you’ll face but you probably know how Amazon works too and this might be the only way to protect your account at this moment”) and gave us some very specific hints regarding how to construct the POA.

As you may imagine, it was nowhere near an easy decision. Even though we also started to sell in some other categories since 2022, dropping the beauty category meant throwing away 90% of our sales overnight, (not to mention we had to plead guilty for the actions of their ridiculous bots) but we didn’t really have a choice, do we? That last POA did wonders and the next day we got that “You may continue to sell bla bla bla” e-mail.

It has been nearly a year since then and we are still on our way to recovery. We switched to a completely different category and are currently doing 2/3 of our previous sales on Amazon. We still sell beauty products on other channels but will probably stop eventually as more and more beauty brands are starting to cut down on distribution and sell to customers directly.

Overall not a happy story, but hey we are still standing!
Although it’s time-consuming and exhausting to dive into a new category, I would say the selling experience in this category is so much better than in beauty, and the customers are all so very polite whenever they send an inquiry. More importantly, far far far more honest. Return rate is roughly the same, but less “defective” or “not as described” returns, and customers in this category are civilized enough to know that scamming is actually a bad thing. So that’s the silver lining!

I wish I’d have more time to comment on the forum, but nevertheless I will be roaming around and I wish the best to all of you!!!


Welcome to SAS!


There is usually a BOT-STORM once or twice a year.

For the bad-ingredient Bots (ex/Minoxidil) The response should be the manufacturers link plus item pictures, from all sides & zoom in for the ingredients pic. They then will want you to add that image to the detail page.
For the FDA label bot, I find that hit or miss. Still fighting an OLAY product since March. Images also of all sides but it only seems to work if you have the item in your hand. Good, clean, downloaded images never pass.
Sometimes pleading guilty to just move on is the only way, but that when the next violations go straight to “high” impact.


I did not dare to open a topic to say goodbye and I think this is the most appropriate thread to tell you that I was fired last week and therefore, I no longer have access to SC or the wally’s house or any other marketplace.

In fact I am not saying goodbye, I will continue to visit this fantastic forum, to keep up to date and who knows, maybe one day I will have the honor and immense pleasure to deal with amabots again.


Well at least you have that to look forward to. Maybe you could schedule a colonoscopy as well!


I wish you well that your future endeavours - here, thither, or there - prove to be fruitful for you and yours.

It’s almost-undoubtedly become a trite expression that seems to be overly-used in some regards - but I remain convinced of this:

When one door closes, another one opens…


Thanks for reminding me. Now that I’ll have some free time… the sedation buzz is pretty cool :crazy_face:


:pray: @notmyflag hope you get a new position soon! We can testify that you know your stuff with how helpful you’ve been here.


Hey, all! Some of you may remember me from the Handmade group on the old Amazon forums. I was IDK over there. Anyway, I still have my shop over on Amazon, but it’s on permanent vacation (I need to just go and inactivate my listings one of these days). I found SAS by looking for sellers experiences with Michaels MakerPlace. I have a shop over there as well as a shop on goimagine and my own website through them. I recognize plenty of names here. Nice to hang with y’all again!



