We would report the email making note to Amazon saying this email was received prior to receiving or shipping the order. Then we would send an email to the customer like:
We received your request for a refund of this order before we received or shipped the order. Your request for refund came {X} minutes before the order came down to us. Do you wish to cancel the order? If so, please go to your order and select the cancelation button. Otherwise, please reply email to us to confirm that you wish us to continue with your order.
Thank you,
[Your business name]
Then depending on how the customer continues … we might be marking those replies as “No Response Needed”
Oh Hell yeah, I use Veeqo, been doing that for the past few years, For some reason the INR issues went down drastically. I think they see the label and know they will be forced to File an A-Z
I get too few orders and already had to cancel a Phantom listing this month (only deleted the item 5 years ago).
This is what I sent.
your order was only placed 2 hours ago and has not yet shipped.
I believe you may have this order confused with another.
Thank you