Can anyone tell me if buyers can see a message sent to them from a seller, if steered to them? Buyer doesn’t reply to a question (opted out of messages?). Item is shipped without getting the desired clarification. When the buyer complains, can they see the message that was sent, if they know to look in their account message box?
I would try checking in mine, but I don’t recall getting any message from a seller. And the message box includes all of the ones from Amazon to me as a seller, I’d likely never find it in there. I know it won’t change the refund outcome, but when they accuse me of something, I’d like to be able to point out that we did try to get clarification.
Under the drop down that says "Hello Buyer’s Name - Accounts & Lists, select Account from the drop down list. On the page that opens, scroll down to view the last widget which is “Your Messages”. Click on that widget to see your messages from sellers.
Thanks, that’s what I was wondering. So the message will show up there, even if the buyer has opted out? Mine is full of messages to me as a seller, so I couldn’t tell even if someone had messaged me as a buyer. Mine, in the past as a buyer, have come to me as they should, to my email.
Under the Inbox - Buyer/Seller Messages is where you would find both. Since we order from a personal account and not the business account, we can easily tell what is incoming from a seller. Most of those are asking for a review or feedback (which we ignore).
On the sellers account buying side, it is a jumbo mess. All orders, all Amazon spam emails, all order verification emails and all customer replies show up in the same place. As a seller, we do not use this area. As a customer from the personal account, we do not use this area. But we have directed our customers to this area for them to view messages from us as a seller who have been thankful to know where it was for their use.