What is necessary to be able to file counterfeit claims without a test buy?

Is Brand Registry sufficient?

“Counterfeit without a Text Buy” is a part of the Project Zero Program; it’s not normally available to those members of Brand Registry 2.0 who aren’t yet enrolled in that (w/ the possible exception of those who are enrolled in the Transparency Program, but not in Project Zero; I’ve seen some evidence to suggest that might be the case).


I believe your trademark needs to be approved, not pending (for good reason).

I also think that “without a test buy” complaints are primarily meant to be used against unauthorized listings where the detail page shows a product that you have nothing to do with, but has your trademark on it.

If someone’s on your listing, you can’t know that it’s counterfeit unless you’ve done a test buy.

My knowledge of the system is a bit outdated as well as I haven’t dealt with filing infringement claims anytime within the last couple of years. The core of the system’s the same but the requirements have changed quite a bit.

Someone enrolled in Transparency shouldn’t ever be filing a counterfeit claim on enrolled ASINs since that program eliminates the possibility that the products are fake.

Maybe / Supposedly :roll_eyes:

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By and large, I would agree (so will the Transparency Team, especially those reps who are engaged in enrolling new membership) - but there are always loopholes, as been most-recently pointed out (not for the first time; our Seller Community has seen this same movie a few times before since Transparency By Amazon was launched) in this recent NSFE discussion:


To be both fair and frank, I must admit that I’ve always typically attributed such shortfalls in inventory management procedures to an apparent lack of sufficient communication with said supplier’s account representative, but it must also be admitted that I’ve been proven mistaken in presuming that as the root cause more than once in recent years.

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I see. Thanks.


Well, that’s more about legitimate units being flagged as illegitimate due to lack of codes, not illegitimate product slipping in as authentic.

Theoretically someone could go to a bunch of retail stores and collect a bunch of transparency codes off product on the shelves, but that’s an awful lot of work to do that. If someone’s going to a store to steal something they’d probably just steal the entire product, not just transparency codes off them. And considering that (almost) all counterfeit products are made overseas, it’s unlikely they’re going to have an army of people in the US gathering transparency codes for them.

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