Where did this come from”request a review “

Sometimes like magic i see a “request a review” button on a new order i get. Typically this buyer is a commercial address or a phony name or other suspicious item. I hit the “request a review “ and then i get i have to wait 5 days before i can request it. Why does this randomly show up and what triggers it?


Shouldn’t be random. That’s supposed to be on every order I thought. Perhaps there’s a difference between FBA / FBM. We are 100% FBA.


Interesting that it appears on all your orders but only randomly on mine. Is there any language in the vast repository of Amazon policies/procedures that discusses the way these work, when to click on the button, what it leads to, etc.?


The SHC’s Request a review from a customer (link) at one time included more information than it does now - perhaps because the Bad Actors exploited the additional information - but as far as I know that page is the only specific information that’s still extant on the subject.

It is interesting to see that you’re only seeing the RaR (‘Amazonese’ for “Request a Review”) functionality enabled randomly; like or friend ASV, all of our orders - be they FBA or FBM - have always had it available ever since the program was originally launched.


OIC. IT is "request a review BY a customer about the product and my service…I thought ( silly me) that it was a request a review by Amazon of the BUYER…OMG how could I have thought that it was a feature that was helpful to me, a seller, confronted with a shady buyer…? It did not say of whom or what we requested a review …the “buyer” part was not visible to me. For a second there I thought …well,…it must be that CBD oil… Thank you DogTamer for the link. I am…sad.

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