WTF does this mean?


‘Lost after delivery’? WTH does that even mean? :angry:

My only guess would be a porch pirate picked up the package before the customer was able to reach it. Or at least, that would be what the customer reported to Walmart.

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Yea, I would go with the Wally version of Item Not Received.

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I’d authorize a return, just to see what I got back…

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Retail term is Shrinkage
(stolen by customer, family, employee, neighbor or foe, etc)

but of course in the warped world we live in, it is not the receiver who bears responsibilty but we the seller.


My only guess would be a porch pirate picked up the package before the customer was able to reach it.

And is this somehow the seller’s fault? :angry:

As a relatively new seller on Walmart, I haven’t had to pay much attention to returns so far, but I guess now is the time. No one here has dealt with this situation themselves before?

I can’t figure out how lost after delivery (which confirms that it was delivered, right?) is at all the seller’s responsibility. That seems even dumber than Amazon. Guess I’ll have to read up and see what Wally has to say.


I’d authorize a return, just to see what I got back…

There is no return. Walmart just gave the buyer their money back. :angry: I have the option to ‘dispute’ it apparently, but need to figure out what ‘lost after delivery’ means in Wally terms before I look into that.

It’s a low-priced item and an interesting twist is that the same buyer just ordered the same item from me over on eBay. :face_with_raised_eyebrow:

We don’t sell much on the mart, so I haven’t had to really deal with returns there either. Either way, no, it shouldn’t fall on the seller, but we normally have to eat the cost of stuff like this. I hope you are able to successfully dispute it!


I would not get worked up on this. Of course that depends on your loss.
But strange things happen that no amount of logic can understand or fix.

Might be better to just move on



You like that ish?

So stupid and Walmart’s return and order screens SUCK.

It’s impossible to connect the dots on anything.

This must have made you equally happy:

Ha ha, nope, cause I have this. :arrow_down: :smile:

So stupid and Walmart’s return and order screens SUCK.
It’s impossible to connect the dots on anything.

Now you sound like me when I’m talking about FBA. :laughing:

This is the first time I’ve tried to connect any dots on a return, and was immediately confused by the language ‘lost after delivery’. I thought I’d ask here first, to see if anyone else knew what it meant before I tried looking it up for myself.

As you know, I find Walmart’s presentation of info generally more logical than Amazon’s, so do you mind if I ask what part of the order screen you find hard to follow? Is it a WFS thing? (cause I don’t use that service)

Not at all.

But being powerless, best to laugh at the absurdity. You don’t want to go down the darker road.

I would think that “porch pirates” would be an excuse use ONCE by a customer, and after that, all deliveries would have to be to an (Amazon) locker, or to a manned service address, such as the local dry cleaners that receives packages for apartment renters as a service.

Externalizing the risk on the seller is nonsense, of course, as once a package is scanned as “delivered”, everyone is out of the loop, and the item is clearly the buyer’s property, and the theft is the buyer’s problem. Generous customer service is nice, but this is a cost that Mall-Wart or Amagone must bear as THEIR good-will gesture. In the world of FBA, it is a detective job just to find the customer’s name and address (name plus zip code), so this certainly cannot build any good will for the seller.

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Lost After Delivery is the same as Item Not Received.

SO…did you buy shipping through Walmart?

If so, time to test to see if Walmart will cover this.


Please… Weird returns on Walmart are nothing when compared to the daily game of Whack-A-Mole on Amazon.

By 7AM this morning I had the following moles:

  1. Got an investigation warning due to an INFLUX of customer complaints on one of our ASIN’s. VOC / NCX - 1 return, marked good. Not a great seller ~500 a month. Not As Described. Right… Now the fait of that listing is in the hands of Billy at FBA to decide with his vast knowledge of the category. Sounds about right. 1 complaint is indeed an influx.

  2. Got another listing video rejected for “Disclosing Personal Information or requiring viewers to do so”. Right… Wondering exactly where it is that we did that. Amazon won’t tell you.

We literally spend more time on putting out Amazon fires then we do working on the business. That’s specifically why we got SAS but that’s pretty much useless for these types of things.

This is normally what I get from my manager - “Hi Steve, I share your frustration, this should not have happened.” Then I’m told to open cases / escalations which sometimes works but it takes a lot of time.

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Do they cover these claims too, if you buy shipping through them?

I didn’t use it. When it first became available, the prices were higher than elsewhere. I didn’t want to pay more, so haven’t ever used it.

I agree that Walmart prices are higher and here comes the big BUT and BALANCE.

The pop ups when they first rolled out their buy shipping program led a seller to believe that Walmart’s policy shifted. Buy Shipping through Walmart and Walmart will cover INRs. JUST like Amazon. People (on Facebook Walmart Seller Groups) were saying it was just like Amazon’s INR buy shipping policy

Now…Buy shipping rolled out in June – as in last Month??? So time will tell IF Walmart stands true to their word.


If the address doesn’t confirm as valid in ShipStation, I go over to Walmart and buy shipping there.

IF the order is say over $75, I hop over to Walmart and buy shipping there.

IF the order is over 16 ounces, I hop over to buy shipping at Walmart.

I haven’t had to test the waters yet…cross my fingers I never have to.

AND I haven’t consolidated a Walmart order yet through Walmart shipping to test that either considering Amazon basically said “NOPE you can’t do that on Amazon” – recent A-Z claim. Won one, but not the other two I consolidated into one package.


I agree that Walmart prices are higher and here comes the big BUT and BALANCE.

Even if they cover INR’s, you still (may) lose because every time you pay more to buy a shipping label you are guaranteed of losing money (loss = paying more) but the protection against INR is only a possibility of gaining money back.

It only works in your favor if you get more back than you paid out in higher prices, and most people don’t. Otherwise the company wouldn’t offer it, as they would lose money.

You’re being smart about it, only using it selectively, when the odds are greater that they may need to pay you. :+1: Too many sellers don’t understand how it’s mostly a waste. :cry:

Stealing Mike D GIF by Beastie Boys