A special kind of Stupid - FBA

Some of you will appreciate this…

LTL was locked down for a few weeks at the end of the year and LTL is the only feasible way to ship this particular product to FBA.

Create the shipment right after the ball drops.
Shipment gets picked up on 1-7 going to NC
Shipment gets checked in on 1-13
Amazon decides to ship the entire thing to Stockton CA after it was received in NC.

Why didn’t Amazon just have us ship it to CA and charge us another $100 to save a few weeks of BS? :arrow_lower_left:

Because they are stupid.

FBA has been pretty good to us in all fairness but this was a crappy thing to happen at the worst possible time (OOS almost on a new listing that languished for months but finally found its grove)


Yah the changes are wild. The new BOL instantaneously had Central come once again and Estes a second time after they already picked up (after the weekend). That is wasted gas and driver for them which they won’t get paid for and they had empty trucks!



That’s strange that this happened again… Never had that happen before.

What are the drivers saying? Why do they think they have a pickup?


They had a pickup assigned. They don’t know anymore than that.


I wonder how many man hours and thousands of gallons of diesel are wasted weekly with stupidity like this.

Amazon is striving to help the planet. Right…


And that is the stuff we aren’t even liable for…which is why I laugh…if the average person hears of how sellers have to operate on amazon - they wouldn’t believe us.

A friend at the gym realized I sell on amazon and the first thing that came to their mind was…youtube. And almost had to stop myself from the vitriolic reaction with a simple “yah its nothing like that” - its doable but takes a lot of reading, math, business know how…topic changed so fast :joy:

Once you go through The Real Sellers U, what does that qualify us to do? Director level at a corporate job at least no?


Probably over qualified for the positions available in Amazon’s Brazil unit …


Still too soon I think.


Hahahaha I laugh at every single one of them tho! :joy:


That was my reaction too!


Mr. Marbles is a bit edgy from time to time.


Oh … you just wait until spring when we send Brazilian robins your way to tap on windows. You think it was bad before. These little robins tap while dancing the salsa adding a little spice to the action.


Not to highjack your thread however, some of the comments caught my attention. I do feel for you. At one time we had products that had to ship LTL, very heavy, this would have pissed me off sorry wrong thread.

We now write “STUPID AMAZON” in the comment field of every FBus order that comes in that could ship ground disadvantage, and they want it two day that we ship from our Ship Station. (wonder if they look)

This one drives me nuts, we have regional customers do missions on site for. Theming the facilities or venues they have. The Amazon trucks drive by us, or we drive past them all day and night long. We see them sleeping in the rest areas with the engines running. What a bunch of save the planet :ox: :poop:

Been there, a neighbor found out we sold on Amazon. “It must be so great to go to sleep at night and wake up to orders and cash in the morning.” I agreed with the first part, not so much with the second part.

In the old days before we started I bought a book. “In Business for Yourself” by Bruce Williams. In the early 90’s when others approached me and asked how to start a business I would hand them my copy. Only two people decided to start a business, the rest handed the book back and said, “I can’t do this.”

Eventually, the book never made it back to me. I wonder what that person did?

I resemble that remark! My last real job pre 1989 and our founding, was just that. For that reason I now refer to myself as the “Managing Director” for formal situations. Since all I do is work.

You betcha! We had that problem too. That was the genesis of the split creating Fun With Wild Animals, we too had the same problem. Though it turned into a cat thread.


Eh… There are a lot of cat posts but there are other creatures and critters mixed in as well and hopefully will continue to be. Hopefully no more robins.

Speaking of cats - We put the bird feeder out again this year because this has been a brutally cold winter. Ollies favorite activity is to sit on the bathroom sink and stare at the birds that are out of reach, because of the glass… Haha