A-to-z Question


Question for those of you with experience regarding an A-to-z: I have an A2z that was unfairly credited against me 2 weeks ago today. I appealed within minutes of receiving it with the same reply I’ve used in the past when INRs are not appropriately handled by Amazon, but in this instance the case is still “Under Review”… My question is what is the best option for me to get this moved faster or resolved otherwise?

In past cases of appealing, the review took 1-2 days at most. This has gone on 2 weeks and I feel I’m being bounced backward in the algorithms as a result. I don’t want to do anything to jump me to the back of the line again, but this seems to be in a limbo of sorts.


PS: To head off any questions, I purchased shipping via Amazon, shipped literally the same day as the order was placed, and it was scanned as received the same day by UPS. So zero reason it should’ve been debited from me, and even less it’s in review for 2 weeks.


Generally (and this applies to everything on Amazon), if you’re awaiting Amazon action you wait, unless the case is closed for whatever reason.


In rare cases they NEVER get closed.
Even with Multiple case created over the years they remain.
They also remain in the Reserve Amount apparently forever. :roll_eyes:


So frustrating. Thanks for the info.

PS: I love the grammar in the 2nd one’s CSR response.


Shipping on the same day as ordered is beyond the bots capability to comprehend, because you shipped outside the ship-by window (before it’s beginning) which appears to be unrecognizable in my experience. I’ve had a few of those.
If your appeal gets denied and you open a case about it, be sure to point out that your actual ship date is before the ship-by date so a human can understand the problem. Wish they would fix that loophole.


It would be so very simple to code the bot to look for “on or before” the last ship-by date. SO SIMPLE. And cheaper in the long run. :woman_facepalming:


Yes, but then we would have to go back and argue once more about the meaning of “before”. And I would have to dig deep for that post.

:smiling_imp: :smiling_imp: :smiling_imp:


Or anytime from the order date to the last ship-by date. But hen they wouldn’t benefit from the funds of sellers who don’t know to appeal those.


You mean in addition to the sellers who do know how to appeal but they’re ignoring anyway? :slight_smile:


Yes, that too!

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Is this still under review?

We have one for the same reason that has been pending in appeal 18 days ago (we also appealed within minutes of the decision) which is way past the normal time period for these…it normally takes 2-4 days. Even during COVID, it didn’t take anywhere near 18 days.


Is this really a thing? I don’t pay too much attention to if any of our claims were filed on orders in which we shipped the same day as the order came in (where the ship by date wasn’t until the next day or two)…


So I didn’t want to leave this review in limbo for years, seeing how it happened to others above, so I created a support case to look into why it’s been in review for weeks. Within minutes, I received notification that my appeal was rejected and the review closed with no reasoning.

So again, literally bought shipping via Amazon, shipped same day as ordered, their own messaging states on the same day “Carrier picked up the package”. And somehow I shipped “too late” and therefore lost the A-to-z… I have no options to appeal again it seems and I will not use the NSFE to reach out to a mod just on principle.



I’ve had at least 4-5 claims that I had to appeal with the explanation that they shipped before the first ship-by date. I don’t get many A to Z’s for other reasons.


If it were me, I’d open a new case on it if you can still do that. Seems like every time I need to open a case they’ve changed the workflow and put up more blocks to starting cases. The AI is really not very good.

Another thing I have had success with in the past is to give bad feedback when that email comes in and I describe what was bad. Actually had humans reach out to me from doing that. I think the bad support feedback gets read by supervision. But it’s been probably at least a year since that’s happened so it may not be effective anymore.


Interesting….ours just got finally decided this morning too. They did reverse it in our favor like they should have.

Definitely post so a mod sees on the NSFE. They actually have been trying to help these situations it seems lately….


So did you ultimately lose these? Or were they granted back to you on appeal?

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Granted on appeal.


Opened a support case for them to review this. It was forwarded to their “Claims Team” which immediately denied it once again. No reason given. I guess I have to give up and accept this $#*@.


Just had another one, shipped before shipping window, initial claim denied:

Your Appeals:

May 6, 2024
This order was shipped with AMAZON BUY SHIPPING which also covers A to Z claims for sellers.

POLICY - If you purchase Amazon’s Buy Shipping and ship on time, you are protected against claims where a customer reports problems with delivery. *** Amazon will cover the cost of these claims and they will not affect your Order
Defect Rate.

*** Order was shipped EARLY, on the same day it was ordered. Feb 16, before ship by date of Feb 20.
… ship on time, you are protected against claims where a customer reports problems with delivery. Order was shipped on time
. … you are protected against claims where a customer reports problems with delivery.
…Amazon will cover the cost of these claims

Response to my appeal:


Thank you for taking the time to provide us with the additional information regarding the A-to-z Guarantee claim on the order xxx-xxxxxxxx. Upon further review, we have decided to reverse our original decision. We have credited $24.10 to your account and your order defect rate will be updated within 48 hours to reflect this change.