Action required: Verify your Amazon seller bank account information

I just got verified. Didn’t receive the e-mail yet but from what I read the e-mail comes a few hours later, so I’m not worried. Good luck everyone!


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I just received this e-mail from Amazon. Please note: I have yet to send them ANYTHING to verify my 20+year old account due to some inconsistent information.

Dear Seller,

We are unable to verify the documents you provided. As a result:

  • If you are registering as a new Seller, you will not be allowed to sell on Amazon.
  • If you are an existing Seller who has already been selling on Amazon, your selling privileges will not be immediately removed. We will keep you informed in a separate email.

If you believe our decision is not correct, please contact [Seller Support]

The Selling on Amazon team

Please note: This email was sent from a notification-only address that cannot accept in-coming email. Please do not reply to this email.

We hope you found this message to be useful. However, if you’d rather not receive future e-mails of this sort from Amazon Services, please unsubscribe.

Russian roulette Amazon style???

so you are saying that you did NOT upload anything for account verification, And they are telling you they were unable to verify the documents you provided?

Hum, Sounds about right, not sure why we are not all getting those emails constantly then for not sending anything. :roll_eyes:

I did not upload anything, but got this disapproval notice from Amazon anyway.

Makes me wonder about the competence of Amazon employees.

Or the complete incompetence of the bots.

How could it be that I have not sent Amazon ANY documents, but they have somehow rejected documents I have not sent?

Well what they actually said was they are “unable to verify the documents”
I guess the fact that you didn’t actually provide any yet, must be beside the point, they couldn’t verify them if they didn’t have them.
I totally agree, this is a bit ridiculous :roll_eyes:

Thanks for your comment.

I don’t know what to think. Amazon has decided they did not like the documents I NEVER sent to them.

Amazon is having major technical issues with these Bank verifications.

Can you post a screenshot of the email you received, I would be interested to see/read it.

I posted the entire message from Amazon at the start of this topic. Is there more information you could extract from a screenshot?

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If that was the entire message, then no. I thought it might be some phishing email as there have been no other posts from other sellers getting something like this. It’s just so strange…:upside_down_face:

and then this… 🡳

and this…🡳… :person_facepalming:

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I got this crap a couple hours ago. Already went thought this 2 weeks ago and everything went back to normal.

I’m hoping I know what happened (I’m an idiot), and this will be all cleared up soon.

I live in a zip code that has 2 towns with very different names. My biz is registered to one of the towns and my drivers license has the other… It’s the same street address…

Chose the other town name (in the zip) for the biz because I thought it sounded better. Don’t ask…

Anyway, I used the other town for my personal info which obviously doesn’t match my DL. Added the real address and re-submitted.

I can see this getting very messy because there’s no bot or human for that matter at Amazon that will understand that an address can actually be in 2 different towns even though it’s the same exact place. Let’s hope it doesn’t. When I opened the account I did it the right way with the towns split. Wasn’t thinking when I was rushing through the re-verification on a Saturday.

Oy Vey

Crapidy Crap! Just saw the re-verification thread and the email I got today was probably a glitch… Oh well, the town didn’t match on my PI, the zip did… We shall see what happens I guess.

Can’t talk to SAS about this bc SAS doesn’t know I have 2 accounts and the issue isn’t on the account he manages.

Not opening that can of worms…


For the Identity Verification, Provided you have the Business address with a bank or credit card or Utility bill that matches the business address. And paperwork saying that you are an officer of the business. Your Personal Identification address shouldn’t have to match the business registered address. They could be totally different addresses because how many people “Live in their store”? The Fact that your business address and your drivers license address are actually the exact same place but with different towns listed should be kinda beside the point.

And other FYI, this original Thread was about the Deposit method re-verification and not about the Identity re-verifications that are also going on at the same time which is that seems to be having the glitch of making everyone do it over and over and over again lately. FYI, I haven’t gotten the Identity re-verification tag yet and my Deposit method re-verification went smoothly without all the business name or personal name issues that some people are seeing.

Not really my point. The point was my zip code is 2 different towns.

Let’s call it Jonestown and Round Creek. Made these up but in this example they both have zip code 12345.

So my DL says Round Creek but my business is listed as in Jonestown, both with 12345 as the zip. In the PI portion of the reverification, I listed my identity by accident as Jonestown with zip code 12345 because that was what autofilled and technically both are the same in the eyes of the post office. In fact, most sites force a change to Jonestown… It’s stupid but it is what it is. Some towns, even in NYC share a PO.

Anyway… Got this today and there’s no more message on the account info page so seemingly all is good. Was it released because I changed the address OR was it because it was a fixed glitch? IDK and IDC.

I never got anything for my other account. Maybe sellers with SAS don’t need to go through this or maybe it’s coming. I’ll be more careful next time…

This is pretty common within USPS. It is found often in areas where a housing development grows into an area that develops to include businesses and becomes recognized as region that is referred to by a name (thus a new town is born). Eventually, it is split off of the main USPS distribution center and obtains it’s own zip code (post office). Happens a lot in metro areas like LA.

But we do agree with @TCLynx that …

as our drivers license address did not match the Legal Entity address and still passed re-verification. Same zip code and city on all documents but street address was different.

We would lean towards a glitch the first time or an Amazon person reviewing thought they caught something the first time or maybe they didn’t like the quality of the JPG or PDF.

Think this sums up everything pretty good … it’s like the spinning wheel on a webpage that is having trouble loading … around and around and around and around …
Screenshot 2023-05-16 at 10-14-48 Amazon

I’m not disagreeing with either of you. I’m sure you are aware that during the re-verification there are 2 sections: - Business / PI.

If my drivers license says one thing and what I input is different, that’s a problem. That’s what I did bc I was in a rush. Of course I am aware that I don’t need to live at my business address to pass the verification.

Any system worth a crap (Amazon doesn’t possess one) would recognize the zip as an either or scenario when it comes to the town (if they share) and except it. That’s not how Amazon works. Don’t get me wrong, I will take responsibility for this because I should know better by now. 100% match is 100% match. I preached it on the OSFE.

Judging by the NSFE, it does appear to be a glitch. Ours has been cleared. Let’s see what happens to everyone else. If they all clear today with no action, then maybe Amazon’s systems are working correctly and I jumped the gun.

I can’t have anything happen to one account, causing the other to get suspended on the related account policy which is why this concerns me.

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A screen shot of USPS site showing results for zip code look up might help. That will reveal the preferred town name associated with that zip plus all the other acceptable town names. Not at all unusual for names that are more for a community than an incorporated town to be accepted for mailing addresses.

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