Just a data point for all. We had a heck of a time today shipping. We ran normal operations. Just another “bank and government” holiday. That does not apply to us.
I almost hate to mention this as a possibility, but I wonder… could the ‘we add a day to your shipping date’ problem be back??? You remember that, right? Where Amazon messed up the programming for future ship dates?
If it was after 5 pm, the system automatically added a day and quoted you shipping rates/delivery dates ‘as if’ you were shipping the following day. This was ok, and didn’t mess things up.
But then…
They were also adding a day incorrectly when you changed the ship date to a date in the future. So if you picked Tuesday as your ship date (as you might have today) the system quoted you incorrectly ‘as if’ you were shipping on Wednesday, causing many of the shipping options to be suppressed. You remember this big problem, right?
I wonder if that’s what happened to @SA_FL here.