I suspect that you’re probably thinking of our friend @suzq48’s 022624 SAS thread here:
It is fervently hoped, in this quarter, that my mangling of the English Language (“in explicably” rather than “inexplicably” & “to” rather than “two”) in that post will not be held against me…
By all available lights of which I myself am aware, an ability to “speak ‘Amazonese’” is a Pearl of Great Price - many are the shoals, sandbars, pitfalls, dead ends, eddies, currents, rip tides, oxbows, mires, quicksands, etc. which can be avoided once one understands how, & when, such abbreviations for this or that of Amazon’s Programs, Initiatives, and the like come into play when Sailing The River*.
“The River” is ‘forumese’ for Amazon itself; it was established way back when the original old hands (many of whom who are sadly no longer with us on this mortal coil, and have Gone Home) coined & accepted it as an appellation back in the Seller Soapbox Days, early in this present century…
“Sailing The River” is ‘Dogtamerese’ for “Selling on Amazon” - but I cannot claim, in good conscience, to having originally coined the term.
Dogtamer, you remind me of the olden days of the eBay Booksellers board, when I was so naive about online bookselling that I had to ask what their references to “The River” actually meant.
Agreed, but this time it seems to be far more widespread. They seem have to shut down almost everything across the Health & Beauty category. Haven’t yet found a single person who has successfully listed a new product so far this year, especially for supplements.