Amazon REMOVES Name of Product (which is also trademarked brand name) from listing title!

Like the post title said, the NAME OF THE PRODUCT was removed from my listing title. I think I know what they are doing, they are A/B testing the requirement that the brand name be the first words of all listing titles. BUT!!! They did not think this through far enough to realize that some product names are the trademarked brand name. And, no, I do not have the ability to edit the listing and “fix” this myself.

So here is their explanation of their actions, their reply to my request that they stop breaking things -

We realize the importance that this has for you, and we will gladly help you to achieve the best resolution possible.

Please be informed that, we are testing a new way to show product titles that brings the most important information to the forefront.

The new display will help customers make more confident buying decisions, which could lead to higher conversion and increased sales.

Your brand [redacted] was identified as having an opportunity to improve conversion and sales by bringing other information to the forefront.

Brand names that are included in this pilot will continue to surface when customers search for them directly and within the product detail page.

We truly appreciate your understanding and cooperation in this case.


Yet it is a requirement in the style guide that the brand name be the first word in the title.

So many in the OSFE did not like that requirement. I never got it at all. I want that name right up front. I want the brand promoted. People know the brand, it/they consume the first page on a search for the brand name.

Hmmm could that be the problem they have vs, “helping” with conversions?


Because we ALL want generic crap and not the brand that we were looking for.

They can claim it will show up when you search for the brand but when you don’t remember (or can’t spell) the exact brand it will be an Amazon version of ‘Where’s Waldew’ for casual buyers.


I can guarantee everyone that my brand name is not a part of 99% of searches for my products. People want the product. They have no idea what my brand is, and they most likely don’t care.


Noticed this two weeks ago ish. But yah this is what they’re doing. My brand name is part of amazon suggestions so it actually does make a difference that they are removing it from the Search results but keeping it on the PDP


And so how does this help one build brand recognition? Wasn’t this something Amazon was promoting us to do to build sales and customer loyalty?

Amazon consolidated their house brands. Generic listings now have some protection. Could it be that these moves along with removing the brand name from titles is in Amazon’s best interest when creating in house listings to sell?


I noticed this months ago on our listings.

Whatever Amazon, you know it all about conversion and how to improve it. SMH


I think this move sort of evens the playing field - x brand with 10k reviews vs new brand with similar title and 50 reviews - look similar and thus the guy spending on ppc may have a chance at conversion - but if you’re driving traffic via a brand funnel then brand removal just won’t work - people are adamant about getting what they think they want - BOCTAOE


I disagree. Why should a brand that put in the time and $ be punished like this for someone else who didn’t pay the piper?

Life isn’t fair. Survival of the fittest.

I am not happy that our IP has been yanked off of our listing title. In our case, it’s structured in such a way that it’s very meaningful to the product. I can see if brands that are XYFGDSTYFSH1234 are yanked in favor of other more meaningful words but that’s not universal. Our main competitors haven’t had their titles changed and I can guarantee they are nowhere near our conversion which is what this is supposed to be about, right?

To play devils advocate a little - If you search just the brand name, you will see it bolded and above the title under this new BS.

The fact that this “testing” began long ago, and is still going, leads me to believe that this change will be locked in soon and universal.


I believe removing the brand name is just testing they are doing (I read this somewhere). We see it on our listings sometimes and other times the brand name is back.


I noticed my titles changed (brand name removed) the other day on some buyer-facing pages but not in my store. And they were also unchanged in seller central. I’m glad I saw this thread.


My problem here is that the Product name IS the trademarked brand name, so the page ends up with no product name, and I cannot change the title, even if I prefix the product name with other text.


UPDATE - they fixed it, but they still think that they were doing me a favor by messing with my listing title without any warning that they were making a change.


This change hit me today. I see the brand name on the backend and in edit, and it is there in search. But NOT on the listing when you click on it (customer-facing side). People do search for my brand, so I’m not thrilled with this.


How did you get this fixed? Opened a case?


Just because Amazon changed the way your title displays, that should not change search results. In fact, your listings should still show up like they did with the brand name bolded above the title in search results.


I’m Handmade so it’s a little different - BUT the brand is in the title in search at least. It’s a very strange choice.


Forgot about that. I’ll be the first to admit knowing next to nothing about your world.


Honestly, in most other ways it’s exactly the same because I’m brand registered - but the listings look a little different on the customer-facing side.


Yes, and kept after them - I said “You Have Removed the NAME OF MY PRODUCT from the title of my product listing”, as my trademark is the product name.

It may also have helped that I have had several run-ins with them before about trademarks, as they allowed a seller to put a store-name “brand name” on the product, removing the purportedly brand-registered name, and I sent their legal dept a very nice letter with a copy of the federal trademark infringement complaint I’d be filing in the Southern District of New York if they did not clean up their mess in 14 days or less. So, they likely have me flagged as a “hothead”. They would be correct. :wink: