[AMZ] Amazon’s Prime Day event is back this July (2024)

Hear ye, hear ye! As expected, Amazon’s annual Prime Day sales event in July will be in (you guessed it) July for 2024! :stuck_out_tongue_winking_eye: No specific dates yet…

:information_source: This will be the official 2024 Amazon Prime Day thread here on Sellers Ask Sellers, but if you have a specific question or concern, please feel free to start your own thread and use the primeday tag.

Full text of announcement

9th and 10th would be my guess… Not hard to guess when it comes to Amazon and promotional timing. It is a leap year though so it’s messing with their comp days. I still think it will be 9th-10th.


Yawn. :sleeping: :sleeping:



:arrow_down: TAKE THE POLL :arrow_down:
Because I am a datanerd, I was happy to see this from CNET (strike-throughs and days of week are mine):

Upthread @ASV_Vites has guessed July 9-10. Well, I think that makes a lot of sense: post-pandemic, Prime Days have been Tuesday-Wednesday. And earlier in mid-month.

BUT…I also think that’s too close to the July 4th weekend; people could still be off grid and checked out from holidaying. Plus, it would be the earliest Prime Day has ever been in ever. So I’m going with July 16-17, which is a little later than recently but not unprecedented.

SO…what do you think? :smirk:

  • July 9-10 (ASV is usually right)
  • July 16-17 (bless papy’s heart)
  • Y’all both wrong, losers, let me tell you why
0 voters

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@Dogtamer : Y’all both wrong, losers, lemme tell ya why!
@Dogtamer : (posts link to verified reliable source saying we’re wrong)

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As the first (and likely to prove one of the few - if not the only one, methinks - to do so) who chose the 3rd option, “Y’all both wrong, losers, lemme tell ya why!,” I am constrained to explain myself.

If the historical evidence suggests - as it so-demonstrably does - that a Tuesday, or Wednesday, or both choice has become ingrained, after 7 consecutive years, I strongly suspect that Amazon’s warm devotion to Big Data-tracking, combined with its ever-increasing dependence on imperfect AI-administered algorithms, will produce an unexpected result in 2024.

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So you’re thinking Monday 15-Tuesday 16? :thinking:

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Currently, I’m leaning towards a Thursday being in the mix this year

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We’ll see. I wish this thing was on one of the legal betting sites.

I’d bet $1000 on 7-9/7-10 and I have zero inside info on it from SAS. They don’t even find out until we do.


My wife told me that any time there is a chance to “bless someone’s heart” that I had better do it …

The Hidden Details

And she was standing behind me with a cast iron frying pan aimed at the back of my head (she is a strong influencer …)


Since I don’t have access to this what were the Prime Day Sign Up Cut off dates?


If Amazon has announced that, at this point in time (6May`24), I haven’t seen it yet.



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How about inventory cut off dates? Did they say/announce when inventory should be sent in by? Is it May or June?

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That has been announced as 20Jun’24, in the News Headline I linked in this 15Apr’24 SAS thread:

Now that I think about it further, I suspect I may have misunderstood what you were asking about previously - by “Prime Day Sign Up Cut off dates,” were you referring to which date is the cut-off for creating a Deal?


Excellent so May 3rd was the cutoff date, yes that is what I was asking :slight_smile: :pray:t3:


My bad, Lemons - mea culpa.

Soared right over me wee little noggin…which, unfortunately, isn’t as uncommon a happenstance as I would prefer. :melting_face:

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Amazon’s Prime Day hub. Still no dates. Amazon usually announces 21-ish days before the event.

A refresher on 2023 Prime Day:

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