Automatic Enrollment in Remote Brazil

A new widget popped up on my dashboard but I didn’t notice it until today. It was Automatic Enrollment in Remote Fulfillment . . . To Brazil. I clicked the link To Learn More or Opt Out and found a lengthy article that said I was automatically enrolled and had 30 days until April 10 to opt out. But there was no form to complete. I re-read it again. Then I noticed the word Brazil with a tiny check mark in a tiny font buried in the paragraph. I clicked the box and it unchecked the Brazil box! Then I scrolled to the bottom of the long article and saw a tiny “save” button that I clicked on. Here is the widget:



Thank you very much for posting this, Marilyn - I’m hopeful that your experience with this will prove useful to other members of our Seller Community.


Wait the opt out button is to opt out of the notice or opt out of the automatic enrollment?


So, we’re being enrolled in remote fulfillment unless we find the tiny check box and tiny save button?

BTW, I am confused by all these different ways we can sell abroad. If someone could suss it all out to me, I’d appreciate it.


The opt out link leads to a lengthy article about automatic enrollment of everyone to Brazil unless they opt out. The deception is the article does not explain how to opt out of Brazil. It was only by chance I spotted the word Brazil tucked into a paragraph with a tiny checkmark next to it and clicked it to uncheck it, then found a tiny save button at the bottom of the page. I am sure most people will think this is just another Amazon article, and not realize it is necessary to opt out of Brazil.



I think this needs to be a standalone thread for all to be aware!


It appears that the opt-out is for the auto enrollment in FBA’s remote fulfillment, specifically for orders to customers in Brazil.

Is that correct, @ickynicks? This is an FBA-specific opt-out of auto-enrollment in Brazil as a global fulfillment option managed directly by Amazon Retail using your stateside FBA inventory, and not a general way to opt out of the .br marketplace shown in our Americas accounts, correct?


I agree and have moved it.

Thank you for sharing @ickynicks!


I just checked, I do not have that widget - yet.


I would suggest sellers double check to make sure they are not enrolled in remote fulfillment if they don’t want to be. I do remote fulfillment in Canada but don’t do Mexico and won’t do Brazil. I was automatically opted into Mexico when they opened that option and didn’t even know about it. My guess is they are doing the same with Brazil now so please check your settings.

Go to the sandwich menu on your seller central page, then inventory, then remote fulfilment with FBA. I can only say what is on my page, yours may be different if you never enrolled in remote fulfillment. On mine, there is a tab called marketplace enrollment. When I click on that, it gives me the status of all the markets (Canada, Mexico, Brazil) and I can check or uncheck boxes for those markets. Then you click on update at the bottom to save your settings.


@TJB Thank you for that, I didn’t even know about that page because I have no intention in expanding my FBA headache!

I am ok so far:


But my store vacation settings have reverted to all inactive, including .com which is currently active and behaving normally - I think.*

Does this refer to the marketplace as inactive or to the vacation setting as inactive?


I am getting orders, is the volume truncated, I don’t think so.

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Yes, this is for FBA, but the hazard to sellers is the way the opt outs appear in multiple places, like Hydra in Greek mythology which could continue regenerating new heads.



Agree, and all of these automatic enrollments without notice are hazards to sellers. Horrible standard operating protocol that needs to stop.


@primetime the vacation settings affect the marketplace status. Your vacation settings have all of your Marketplaces’ statuses as “Inactive”; however, many Sellers have for some time and with increasing frequency reported that their vacation settings as shown have not been reflected in reality (like yours right now) or that their vacation settings have been changed without their knowledge, permission, or notification.

If I were in your shoes, personally I would right now manually toggle each Marketplace and set for myself my preferred status (for me, that would be toggling mx and ca to Active and then immediately back to Inactive, and then toggling com to Active, Inactive, and Active again).

I would do this to “reset” this particular enable/disable code cycle.

However, other Sellers would say not to touch anything, if everything is working correctly for you right now.

And they might be right :woman_shrugging:


I agree. It’s ridiculously convoluted.

But I suspect that this option can not appear for those of us who have never enrolled in FBA.


I found the inactive status settings a few weeks ago, when the Brazil problem first surfaced, and I posted about it. I waited a week or so for it to change on it’s own, it did not so I corrected the .com setting. It has now reverted back.

I did not toggle all marketplaces as you suggest. I am nervous to do anything since my .com account really is active.


Here is the link to the article to see if it shows up for you with never having had FBA:


I really really get it.

Welp :laughing: not even a simple “page not found” but a whole “you suck so bad” message

Now, don’t hate me because I somehow have thus far escaped both mx and br Marketplaces, but I am just showing that I’m very much not enrolled at all, ever, in FBA. I suspect that if anyone ever has been enrolled, they might be able to see the link. (My stores are supposed to be Inactive.)


The opt-out page (simplified URL is https: // should always throw a 404 Error if the SoA Account is not enrolled, so your result is the expected behavior.

The “Invalid Access” blurb being added to that 404 page is almost undoubtedly due to this:

Indeed! This 040124 ‘compilation’ post to another SAS thread on the same subject explains the four most-important things to keep an eye on: