October 11, 2023, 8:24pm
This is when–on the OSFE–I (taking a cue from seeing @oneida_books do it first, several times) would create an “omnibus” topic, with links to all relevant threads and tagging (helpful) mods, saying something like:
Hi mods, can you please review these Seller situations with their disbursements? There appears to be an Amazon glitch in processing disbursements for Sellers when the card on file is a MasterCard.
This is happening to US-based accounts in good standing, with no previous disbursement problems.
The cards are all valid, unexpired credit cards, with no issues and otherwise chargeable.
It is affecting only MasterCards, issued by many different banks.
The remedy appears to be changing to a Visa credit or debit card.
To be clear, the “problem” cards are all MasterCard, all valid, not expired, and have zero issues other than being MasterCard. The Sellers affected are all in good standing, with no prior card-related disbursement problems.
(Insert links to threads.)
(Insert helpful mod tags.)