Fun with Wild Animals

One nut … two nuts … three nuts … four …
How many nuts can your squirrel store?


Long ago there was a discussion about squirrels on the old Amazon boards. Most people hated them. I live in NYC and we love squirrels since they are so cute when they play in the park, and have beautiful tails.

Pigeons, we hate. They crap all over, remind us of that Hitchcock movie when they fly fearlessly in huge scary clumps, and are generally thought of here as rats with wings.


I’m not in downtown Indy so it isn’t pigeons that are my bane.
These are the “rats with wings” I can’t stand:

They don’t really seem to migrate anymore. They’re just about always around here.


I remember that . Squirrels had eaten a buyers candy order. Style had me laughing calling them rodents I never saw them that way. I live in an area where squirrels visit me daily and eat bread from my back deck. Beautiful creatures they are.
Pigeons not so much.


Always in my pool.
They’re no longer afraid of the dogs so it’s harder to chase them away.
Actually beautiful but hate duck poo all over the yard or worse in the pool…


Nah – seagulls are the true “rats with wings”. Garbage dumps attract them both (rats and seagulls).


Yepper - the change in the migratory habits of Canada Geese has increasingly become an unexpected development, fraught with problems for both them and us (@ least in our ever-expanding conurbational environments) over the last ½-century or so.

As we wee humans increasingly encroach upon natural habitat, so-called lower lifeforms find ways to ensure that there’s at least a chance to survive.

We see this same sort of sea-change in millennium-old practices with other species, too, of course - but the Canada Goose are one of many a textbook example of how Humankind alters what we are blessed to inhabit.


My list of wild life to detest includes the previously mentioned

Canada Geese
And the reintroduced by humans, Wild Turkeys.

In some areas they might justifiable add

and Coyotes
And Deer.

But I am fond of bunnies.


Pigeons? Think back…way back…Not pigeons…_____________________!

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Thank God, my monitors are glass…

Our rodents in order of distaste.

Racoons; the original spark on fun with wild animals, now a cat thread.
Squirrels; they chew out the wood between window panes to get in the house.
Powder Post Beatles; they drill holes in the timbers of an old house.
Carpenter Ants; they like hemlock, pine and southern yellow pine when it is wet
Ticks; No further info needed.
I like possums; they like and eat the ticks.

Bats; I don’t like or dislike them. Though I do like them and dislike them. They set up a rookery in the little house (connected farmhouse) when we opened up the celling they were nursing. We left them alone, they left us alone. Except for the great image I shot (to film) in the dark with a flash. They migrate, and it smells a lot better when they are out of town. They eat a lot of bugs. But then they poop them all over the place, especially in the barn.


I should have included bats on my list.

We would have bats make their way into our suburban house in Mass on the hottest days of summer. Every summer,

We have bats in our country house in Maine.

So far they have not invaded our NH apartment.

In Mass I had a bat catching hat to wear and waited for them to light high on the wall. I would place a yellow garbage pail over them and a piece of cardboard between the can and the wall.

I would then take them a couple of blocks away. Unfortunately, they would return to our house. My solution, were it to share it, would be unfair to the squeamish members of our community.


I’m far from squeamish (I have watched every operation that I have been awake for – and could see) but I’m going with the ‘Statute of Limitations’ has expired on those poor unfortunate events. So many species of bats are now Federally protected you would almost have to do an autopsy to see if the one in the bucket is or not!

This place is open for tours but I might want to cut my hair first!


Good Idea, we used to relocate the raccoons, we still do, in a way. I do not share.

First we took them across a river, 10 miles away, they came back. Then we took them across an 8 lane highway, sometimes they made it back.



It’s not funny but it’s funny…


Uncle Rocket???


Hey, @ least the critter had a chance, eh? :slightly_smiling_face:

P.S. -

On a totally-unrelated note, I’d like to compliment you for your last NSFE post, tactfully admonishing Rose for the egregious error in her 072024 post re: FBM vs. FBA Offer-Listings.


I agree with that. This is one of the trucks that have a depot near our office. The farm is 8 miles away on the other side of I93.

Thank you for that, I don’t post often, but when I do I prefer to “Stay Thirsty, and to the point.”

I do hope @SEAmod can help him/her.

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You are most welcome, my friend - your efforts might be sparing, but I’d defy anyone to make a case that they are not invariably salutary when you do choose to weigh over in the swamp.

For context, and to the edification of those of us who’ve not read that NSFE discussion, entirely, here’s the post by FMT-CMT Moderator Rose that’s raised more than a few hackles on the risibility front, and prompted Image’s retort:

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I’m one of those public nuisances (per my husband) that fees the gulls on the beach. I love watching them, such industrious creatures. Will swoop down and steal a sandwich if they think you’re not watching. Reminds me of a few of my neighbors :slight_smile: