How is MakerPlace Doing?

I really think that might be the case.

I didn’t have any sales on MP for a while and didn’t receive any or those “Mrs want to order 5” messages, then I had 2 orders in the past 10 days, and all of sudden I got one today. Coincident?


I get them most days. Sometimes multiple ones. While sales across all venues has mostly tanked, I am still getting 3-4 sales per day on Michael’s. In fact today I’ve had 3 but only ONE on Amazon. :neutral_face:


That’s great news! I’ll keep adding!


I get the spam emails daily I really wish Michael’s would do something about it. Then in the Facebook group every day people are posting about receiving the scam emails all the time as well. I’m about ready to snooze the Facebook group because almost all the posts are either people talking about scam emails or self promos. I keep reporting the people who post links to stores that are not makerplace.


One quirk I just discovered, but it might only apply to me:

I imported all of my listings as a CSV file in draft. And my plan is to just edit and make them live - chipping away at them. And I’ve been doing that (I have like 400+ listings).

Whelp - Just discovered when I update a draft listing and save it, it creates a new listing and leaves the draft one. Oy vey. So now I’m finding duplicate live listings that I’ve created. So now I need to fix that.


I have not yet had any sales on Michaels MP. But I have started getting views the past month or so.


I just heard from one of the ladies wanting to buy 5 each of several OOAK items and to contact her gmail account, but I told her orders must go through MP.



I haven’t been back t Makerplace for awhile. I thought my listings were active, but I guess they deactivate after a while. I made some more listings in case anything catches on, mostly stuff I could never list on Amazon. Hopefully, Makerplace eventually sells one of my items.


Did you listed them for a certain time period?

At the beginning, the listing were only for a few months (forgot how many), but MP made change, and now you can choose “No end date” for the box “How long will this product be available in your store?”. So the listing don’t expire now.


I don’t remember what I did, but now, they are no end date. Hopefully, I will start to get some bites. I had downgraded from the pro plan. Do you think there is a disadvantage to that?


Don’t really know whether Pro plan brings more sales or not.

Is anybody here who are on basic plan and selling well too? I figured anybody makes over $500/month in sales on MP, should change to Pro plan to take the advantage of the lower referral fee.

I was always on the basic plan, and my monthly sales hasn’t been high enough to motivate me to change to the Pro plan.


I never made anything on the pro plan, and I’m not making anything now. I listed so I could be entered into their little contest. Figured if I won, I could use the proceeds to buy supplies for the business.


For every new listing I seem to get a new free spam message :rofl:

I’ve been on the pro plan since starting and they keep extending the free trial date. Mine was previously set to end in May and now my dashboard says September 26.


Same. I downgraded, then upgraded again. And it now says Sept 26.


I’m on pro plan as well. I haven’t looked lately but I’m assuming my trial has been extended since everyone else’s has.

It’s good they are not charging. I wouldn’t pay for how many issues there are. I’m up to 16 sales so far but it’s a pretty bare bones platform and I’ve found a lot of broken things and they just keep saying their team is working on it. I’ve been trying to get some search bug fixed in my shop dashboard of listings not showing up but for the first two weeks they kept saying it’s my fault and all I needed to do was clear my cache. When I provided them with evidence of it happening across multiple devices and browsers then they ghosted me for a month and when I last inquired was told it’s still being worked on.

If they really want to compete with Etsy they need to really get the website finished. It’s irritating to have listed items then they change some feature of the listing process and you need to go back in and edit all those listings (the end date change, or the new attributes) etc.

Lack of any sort of shipping label integration is another major issue. Internal searching on your dashboard or shop page is broken (listings not showing up) not being able to organize my shop into any sections.

It’s like they never talked to anyone who sold on a platform what makes a good platform. It’s not they are doing something brand new and innovative. All they have to do is find a few people who have been selling online since Etsy started who have seen tons of platforms come and go and why those may have succeeded or not.


Judging from the comments in the FB group, I think their target market might have been the ladies making suncatchers and knitted mittens who’ve never sold online before (if I see ONE MORE post about the stupid scam messages I will scream). They quickly realized how many Etsy sellers were looking for an escape - people who know/want functionality.



Major problem. Had some drafts creating duplicate listings. could not find them in search. Had to scroll thru 36 pages to find them all.

Even with the problems, it has been outperforming Etsy for me. I know this is far from the case for most, but I am starting to see a lot of advertising for Google search and shopping that is panning out for me. The variety of items I am selling is way more than Etsy ever was for me.


Yeah that FB group is annoying but they seem to post info there before emails and so I would hate to snooze it. Early bird gets the worm!

But yeah it’s full of people who have never sold online before. I wish they would set it to admin approve posts.

I’ve been reporting to admin every post that is self promotion. Tired of seeing the same people posting things for sale that are not even on markerplace.


this is good to know. I am going to go in and change mine so they don’t end.


Did anyone else make new listings just for the contest? I was going to make listings anyway, but I rushed them out to beat the deadline for the contest.