How to Safely Delete ASINS/Listings (to Relist later)

So if I do the Categories Report in XLSX, it is missing most the variables for the listings. Barely has any information at all.

But if I download in requested CSV, I get stuff like the bullet_points and a ton more data from the listings.

Is that intentional? It is weird that the some of the most important information, like the product ASIN, are blank on the report.

Tkhey also changed all my listings to ASIN instead of GTIN as Product ID. I originally added them all as GTIN, so not sure why almost all of them now use ASIN.

This is all the information provided in the Category Listings report for the 4 asins I need to delete. I guess forget using this as my data backup.

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I found a Category Listing Report I did mid 2022, and confirms they changed my product identifier:

I was told by seller support once that the only way to clear “everything” from the Amazon servers was to use the Inventory Loader template.
You just need to enter the SKU & “X” in the [add-delete] column

I doubt they are 100% accurate on that…just sayin’

ok, and just to double check, this does the delete, and when I re-add after 24 hours, I recover the Selling Rank and the Reviews of the listings, correct? (I’m scared)

Not the ranking but the reviews yes - since that is associated with the SKU at the catalog level - the rankings will drop a tad in a 24 hour period if no traffic/sales are had on the listings

But I think Sundance is spot on

I don’t think it ever get out of the Amazon system - it just supposed to clear all the data linking your account to the ASIN.

Sometimes I found a better ASIN so I wanted to delete the current listing and add-it back on the better asin using the same sku. Sometimes the system wouldn’t let me reuse a deleted sku on a different asin as if a link “still existed” even though I used the delete function from inventory management.

So support said I should use the inventory loader template & X then wait 24-48 hrs and it should allow me to reuse the sku.

So i’ll assume that’s the best way to delete items since there are a few ways.

ok, last question:

Nowhere does it show my image urls or main image url. When adding back the listings, I need to supply all the images (by url) through the flat file, correct? I have never done images in a flat file before, so can I just grab the current image URLs that are up on Amazon right now or a better way?


Yes, we have used the image URL on Amazon to do updates (right click image / copy image url).
If you have the images on your computer, then you only need one on the file and can use the image loader to add the others after the listing is showing in your inventory.

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This is good to know, interesting and odd.


It is nice that these are now available without having to open a case to request them.

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I had to open a case to see it. interesting.

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I don’t want to take this too literally. Literally drop an “X” in the cell, or drop in “Delete”?

X <———just an X

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alright, I tried it, got some errors

sorry, I’m an idiot, didn’t realize I could still run it with validation errors. Let’s see…

yep, me stupid.

Feed Processing Summary:
Number of records processed 4
Number of records successful 4

the listings are gone. So how long should I wait for doing an add upload?

typically … 24 hours

That is interesting. Maybe it shows for me because I have requested them when that was the only way to get them. That would be pretty advanced logic for Amazon though, so I doubt it. :crazy_face:

Or maybe it’s because my account is older?

I downloaded one the other day and noticed my Brand Name was missing from quite a few - on the report. But when I edit the ASIN it’s there. So, just a mistake on the report (shocker).

Also: I requested access to this report several months ago and still have it - so the 30 day access limit might not be accurate.

I’m doing 36 hours to be safe, I’ll just have the new flat file ready tonight.

Is there any indication I can pay attention for showing I waited long enough?
