How to Safely Delete ASINS/Listings (to Relist later)

Are you sure you are expanding your columns? I’m seeing all including bullet points.

You are right! I was opening in Libre Office and it wasn’t showing that on default until I updated. Noticed them in Excel.

last questions, as i’ve never done a full relist with flat file before.

  1. In the template, do I just us “Update” under “update_delete”, even though I’m adding it like a new product relist?

  2. Should I used my GTIN or ASIN when identifying the product? Typically they were listed under their related GTINs, but the last catalog file showed it as ASIN.

it’s in “beta” for some people but not everyone. I have it available in my list when I did a couple years ago but there is a banner on my page saying it is beta. I guess most people still have to request it be activated for a week in order to access it. Apparently Years and years ago, it used to be generally available to all sellers I guess.

If you were adding totally new products to Amazon’s catalogue you would use the GTIN, but since these are already in Amazon’s catalogue, I think you can just use the ASIN (seeing as you want to reconnect with the same ASIN to keep all the Reviews.)

Great job finding it!!!

@papy can you add this template to the growing list… :hugs:


So, I tried adding with all new information, and I am getting rejected with two errors:

We cannot associate an image with this SKU because the SKU was not created due to another error. Correct all other errors associated with it and resubmit your inventory file to resolve this error.

Amazon requires all products offered in our store to comply with relevant laws and for information on detail pages to be accurate. Amazon policy prohibits Sellers on Amazon to add inaccurate, misleading, or abusive content to ASINs. The offer on your ASIN has been removed because one or more elements of your product listing contributions contain illegal, misleading or abusive content or claims. To reinstate your offer on this product, please remove any marketing content, claims, and images that do not comply with Amazon’s policies, other applicable requirements, verify that your contributions comply with all applicable laws, and resubmit your offer.

I deleted the listing for this very reason. How can I update and remove the offenses… if I can’t update?

Try doing it with just the required fields for that item.
If it goes through, then do another one adding one or two of attributes.
If that goes through, then repeat the process.

If the first one with the requirements doesn’t go through, then look carefully at your bullets, description and image as the issue is probably with at least one of those. Fix the issue and then repeat the process starting with the required fields and build from there as you get success.

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will do. However, I should point out that the listings I’m replacing were getting the bot flagged for this very reason,

and they didn’t have a description, bullets, or any attributes. they were blank. The only image is the main and is a photo of a bed.

Trying with nothing added, will check back quick

If this works, then delete the listing again, wait 24 hours, and add a few more attributes?

You need the required fields which will include description and image … add in the bullets to that and send … then build a little each time with an additional attribute if successful.

You are trying to eliminate the issues by the process of elimination with how much is in the file that is loaded up.

ok, but fully delete and re-add every 24 hours to keep adding a little bit at a time.

You can use the UPDATE function untill you get success and then switch to PartialUpdate once you get it going.

The UPDATE function removes all data and then puts the new data available in the system.

Giving 24 hours in between, gives the system to propagate throughout all of the serves … so yes but can be done as an UPDATE each time.

According to Seller Support, I will always have to delete these 4 asins if I want to update them. Even if I want to change the price or add new info, they said they are so locked I will always need to delete and then re-add.

Hence why I’m trying to dial this in. I can’t even put them on sale – supposedly-- without deleting them to ensure I hurt my sales rank beforehand. SAS throwing me a bone. :slight_smile:

But fingers crossed they are wrong in their guidance… going to try to just do the UPDATE route first.

Also: I think I figured out the offending word. I can never say 100% in anything. If I say we are “100% Confident” in our product, that is a false claim I guess. I can say “We are 100% sure we make these sheets”, and it will get blocked from passing muster. lol

Probably right … remove it from bullets and description.

Being non-commital and vague whilst still conveying the message is an art.

Had several competitors copy the verbiage from my listing

imitation/flattery and all


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True. i’m thinking less is more nowadays.

going to try another ASIN now, fully loaded. no 100%

Personally this suggestion of delete and relist has NEVER worked for me…EVER.

Just like I try to correct a wrong image and they tell me to file a VIOLATION instead of seeing the proof and manufacturers link.
The violation does nothing and the image never changes.

They just tell you something just to go away IMHO.

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Even SAS, who I pay for. Saddens me.

So, I got two to work. There is only one major bug. I have the Your Price inserted properly in the Flat Files, but it leaves that part blank when the inventory comes back.

So they come back, but without a price, and they are listed as incomplete. And of course, it will not allow me to update it.

I’m so close! Think adding the price just takes way longer?

That one is a hit or miss - I’ve had it filled out plenty of times without it giving me that slash that shows the discount

Until I went oos

My suggestion is to worry about your price later. There is a seperate file for that that you can upload for all asins in one file

In your main email search for:

“Add or update a List Price to your listings”

that has the link to the file as well as instructions