intellectual property infringement

I received an intellectual property violation and my account is about to be closed, please help :frowning: The violation received and the appeal I sent are attached.


Please attach your appeal.

You have a major issue. You have Repeatedly Violated IP. How are you sourcing your items?


[Uploading: EkI prepared an appeal like this. I do dropshipping and supply products from But the 3 products I received in violation were not sold beforeran Görüntüsü


Who is Eki?

I hope you did not pay for this appeal, because Appeals should be a single page and not an attachment. Amazon absolutely will NEVER read a 9 page appeal.

Why did you not prepare an appeal yourself?

You are buying the items on Amazon, sending them to a 3rd party warehouse, then sending them to the client? Who taught you this business method?


I use intermediate storage. Everything is in order. I did not pay for the appeal. I’m trying to get over it. It’s been 2 days and unfortunately I haven’t been very successful


2 days is nothing. Has Amazon rejected your appeal yet? If not you need to wait, sometimes weeks. But I can tell you, Amazon will not read 9 pages.

I highly recomend you write an appeal. One page, mostly bullet points:

  • How you violated policy
  • How you have corrected the violation
  • How you have changed your business model to prevent the violation in the future.

Your drop shipping/intermediate storage business model is, questionable, but lets run with that. drop shipping is not the actual cause of your IP violations. You listed item(s) that violate copyright and/or IP laws. In the poa screen shots you have posted, your item contains copyrighted lyrics from a very popular song.


I had prepared a longer objection. he rejected it. Then I did this. Your advice is really valuable, thank you. Is there a little more detail or an example text on this subject?

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I, and others will be able to advise more when you post the text of your revised appeal. Post the text (not an image) so that myself and others can quote sections and make recommendations


This is the objection I sent and has not been answered yet. I need your opinion. what to add and what to go

Dear Amazon Performance Team.

Under the Counterfiat with test buy violation policy on ALY LOU Funny Card Anniversary Birthday for Her Him/Husband Boyfriend/Girlfriend Wife/Sarcastic Greeting Card (Baby you make my palms sweaty … (Eminem))

for product with Asin number B08X21NCNF, I received a warning that lowered my account’s score.

We would like to tell you the reason for this warning and the business model process we have made, and we inform you that we will do our best to prevent such a mistake from happening again.

Chapter 1 ( dropspıng )

We deliver our products to our customers with the Dropshipping system.

In our dropshipping system, we ship our products by following the following policies and rules.

Within the scope of this policy, we take our products from the market area and send them to the sellershipping intermediate warehouse. Sellershipping intermediate warehouse

barcodes, packages and labels the products for us and sends them in the fastest and most reliable way by pasting our store’s contact information on the package.

communication : +1 (305) 814-6484

The images and invoices of the products sent to our customers with our intermediate warehouse company are attached. You can check it out.

We are a Store that fully complies with the dropshipping job description and follows the following amazon policies and rules.

Section 2 (The reason why the violation came to our account.)

There are 2 sites where we control the Trademark and Intellectual property rights of the products we upload to our store. The 1st of these is America’s largest patent inquiry site,
Trademark Status & Document Retrieval

We see the rights of the products and the results of IP Claim on the site.

As a result of these results, we check and install the products with the following software.

These software are approved by the amazon selling partner appstore.

When installing products with these software, I get such intellectual property infringement errors.

Of course, there may be problems because it is software. We will be more careful about this.

B004E7BJ32 is an asin found with these software, first of all, the software showed us that there was no intellectual property infringement, but after installing the product, I did not sell it in any way and I removed the product immediately after I found out that the product was an intellectual property right, but despite this, the intellectual property violation came to my account and lowered my account health score.

Chapter 3 (What we will do next.)

First of all, we will carry out the Trademark control of the country where we sell together with
site for intellectual property rights and violations.

As an extra, we will check this site.

We have changed the software we use, we have switched to new software due to the errors experienced in Helium10, smartscout and junglescout we used before, and these software work better on intellectual property rights.

Some of these software are:!

We will continue to work with these software.

On the subject of intellectual property violations, we have added another staff member to our team, and this staff member is one of the expert account health teams who graduated from Amazon Seller University.

In the next period, we will proceed more carefully and professionally.

We constantly update ourselves through these channels and comply with amazon policies.

We ask you to remove the B08X21NCNF original complaint from our account.

Yours truly.


They won’t because you don’t demonstrate that you understand what you actually violated.

Your appeal is bad. You honestly do not seem to understand how you violated ip, hence you have been suspended as a repeat offender.

Blaming 3rd party software will not be accepted. Amazon has allowed you to have an account, not the 3rd party software.

I am replying via my phone so I can’t quote as detailed as I normally do but your explanation of how orders are process is absolutely useless in this situation. You seem to think you have been suspended for drop shipping, from your screen shot, your not.

Unless you are?

Post your orignal suspension letter in full please.


you are right. I need help on this exact issue. because I have not written an objection before. This objection also comes from somewhere. Here is the account deactivation notification:

Thank you for speaking with us about your Amazon selling account.

Based on your Account Health Rating, your Amazon seller account is pending deactivation within 72 hours.

  • Why is this happening?

We took this action because there are unaddressed policy violations related to your selling account, and these violations have caused your Account Health Rating to fall below the threshold for deactivation. It is your obligation to make sure that you adhere to Amazon’s policies. Please visit the following page to learn more:

  • We’re here to help

Learn more by watching our ‘Account Health Rating overview’ video on Seller University:

If you have questions, the Account Health Support team is available 7 days a week to address your concerns in detail. To speak to an Account Health Specialist, click the ‘Contact Us’ button on your Account Health page:

Learn more about the Account Health Support team:

  • What’s next?

To prevent your Amazon selling account deactivation, visit the “Account Health” page to address these policy violations within the next 72 hours and improve your Account Health Rating. You can find them in the “Product Policy Compliance” section of the “Account Health” page. To address any given violation, please follow the guidance next to that violation in the ‘Next Steps’ column:

  • What happens if I do not send the requested information?

If your Account Health Rating remains below the threshold after 72 hours, your account will be temporarily deactivated.

  • Is your account at risk of deactivation in error?

If you believe that the policy violations that have lowered your Account Health Rating below the threshold are incorrect, please submit evidence or documentation demonstrating that your account has not violated Amazon’s policies and we will investigate your concern. You can do this by addressing the violations via the Account Health page as specified above.

To view your account performance, select “Account Health” on the home screen of the “Amazon Seller” app on your iOS or Android device, or go to the “Account Health” page in Seller Central. The “Account Health” page shows how well your account is performing against the required performance metrics and policies:
Merchant Review Team


That is not your orignal suspension.

That email shows you were given a chance to correct the issue (delete the asin’s) and you failed to take action.

Is your account actually suspended?


I deleted all. this mail is asking me for an invoice or LOA document. Otherwise he says he will close the account. The account has not been closed yet in the last 24 hours


Amazon is not asking you for a poa.

Unfortunately your item source (amazon) does not produce invoices. Items purchased on amazon are not automatically authorized to be resold.

A few recommendations at this point.

  1. Put your account on vacation mode.
  2. Delete all inventory in your account.
  3. Hope amazon does not suspend you.
  4. Visit seller university to learn how to properly source product. OA (online arbitrage) your current business model, is not very sustainable as you have seen.

You need to learn how to properly source product. Unfortunately it seems you have either purchased a course that taught you how to make money fast on Amazon or had a guru, youtuber or tictoker show you how to operate. These are the wrong ways to operate.

There are many many sellers in other locations that say this works, it does not. It may have in the past but it does not anymore. You also have to question why someone would buy something from you for more then they themselves can purchase it from amazon, your own source.

I will let others comment at this point, keep in mind it is the weekend so some sellers may not check in and you may get more responses Monday afternoon.


Amazon does allow you to input the order ID. Did you?

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In order for there to be an invoice, the product must have been sold. The product was listed and the violation occurred before it was sold.


So that in itself is a policy violation. You have listed items you do not have on hand.

Again, I think you need to re-evaluate your business model.


The aim is always to be sustainable. Think of what you are talking about as a tool. Do you think we know a safer way to earn good money instantly with the same capital?


If you are unable to modify your business operations to comply with Amazon policy you may not be able to sell on Amazon.

Not all business models work on amazon.


Ok, first off, in this situation Amazon is unlikely to accept any kind of plan of action, they want you to resolve the IP complaints.

You could try to contact the rights owners who filed the complaints, let them know you were not selling counterfeit products but merely dropshipping, promise to not list their brand ever again and ask for a retraction. You could also threaten legal action for falsely claiming your products are counterfeit if they will not retract (but this would strictly be a bluff, it would be incredibly expensive to take them to court and could potentially backfire on you if they countersue for trademark infringement. Trademark infringement covers more than just counterfeit products and if you were listing items as “new” you may have infringed on their trademark depending on the circumstances).

If you can’t get enough complaints retracted to bring your account health score back to safe territory then it’s highly likely you’ll be suspended and no appeal will be accepted