The thumb is (mostly) covering the pointer finger.
But don’t let this detract from how awful this is.
The thumb is (mostly) covering the pointer finger.
But don’t let this detract from how awful this is.
Circled the pointer, as evidenced by the longer middle finger. The hand appears to be missing a pinky
I don’t know about that. There isn’t much humor in shopping and this certainly STILL makes me LOL…
The hand is holding a contoured object at an angle. You can see the second knuckle of the pointer finger behind the thumb, making the finger you circled the middle finger.
And that is really all the time I have to spend on a debate as ridiculous as this AI generated disaster of an ad.
The bigger question is should we be using the insole as a washcloth / sponge? Because that’s my takeaway from this ad.
Who doesn’t love a four fingered - four toed - bug eyed - bald headed tin foiled butler with a bow tie and a green heart in chest pack?
Unfortunately, their population is increasing exponentially
How May The Sales Be With You when The Force is with Grogu?
Ask any-given member of the Amazon Buyer Community, and sift responses for that hoary old phrase “Only The Shadow Knows”…
Ok boys and girls. I literally fell off the couch laughing at this skit last night…
Good to have SNL back…
There’s an old Dilbert cartoon that I can’t find online (do not google, it’s a search mess about the creator), but it’s “office guy” who finishes other people’s sentences…badly.
This is all I can remember:
DILBERT: I need a–
GUY: --trash bag and an alibi?
So when she finished his sentence with w----
Last month, NASA named Mark McInernay as its new UAP Czar to coordinate the agency’s research into Unidentified Anomalous Phenomena (UFO is sooo old-hat). We just found a new clue for where to start the research.
The best part is easily that this place is called “Jeff’s.”