Lighten Up!

I do have a Grandson that is in college and still afraid of clowns. Not sure how he feel about bears though. :laughing: :laughing:


I can think of a select group of Amazon ‘buyers’ that this would actually be a good solution for --------


The words “Lorena Bobbitt” flashed through my mind …

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Choose your type?

Chop Chop verses Snip Snip?

In the lead up to the 2004 election, a friend of my sister’s spent over an hour trying to convince me that what America really needed was a Bobbitt-Kevorkian presidential ticket. She was… unsuccessful in changing my mind.

Further proof that rap metal of the early aughts is responsible for America’s slow descent into Idiocracy territory.

The only issues now are that she was not born here and Kevorkian is dead. Otherwise this has the earmarking of a winner for 2024! :laughing: :laughing: :laughing: :laughing:

You could have wandered away, saying you needed another drink…

If wishing made it so…

idea… nickname this forum website “The Amazon Onion”

Because this forum is like an onion

we can raise a stink

nutritious (help others)

and can lower stress (onions can block compounds that interfere with serotonin levels, we get/receive help and have a functional joke thread)

(with the initials of TAO, we could form our own version of Taoism)

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OMG … I think I’m going to cry!


I can get behind this appealing initiative, but it’ll take a compromise with my premier position.

The Mighty Rutabaga must not be left out, and demands a sub-forum dedicated to extolling its virtues.

No one will post there but me, of course, but I remain adamant: if onions get the vote, why not bagers? :melting_face:

You have to work layers in there somewhere.


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This one hits a little to close to home. I have to suppress the urge of throwing things daily. :crazy_face:

I honestly have no idea where to post this, but I needed a good laugh today and it came by way of a question from a tire kicker on Amazon.

Seriously, how many brain cells do you need to lose before you are permitted to shop there?

She probably will NOT be happy with my normal ‘polite’ response pointing out that they are ridiculously UNhelpful with their question…


The expected delivery date is listed above the buy now button, lol

I get these once a week. The usefulness of my reply depends on what kind of day I’m having.


'Tis the season

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