Lighten Up!

Our first thought was … he is going for the walrus look for Christmas …


Just saw a rare photo of the real baby Yoda!

Wishing you a Merry Christmas full of surprises!

“Where is Eddy he normally eats these things???”

(Yes I know it wasn’t a possum in the movie)

Not recently, Clark. He read that squirrels were high in cholesterol.

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Aunt Bethany, does your cat eat Jello?

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It’s a trend…

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“Grace? She passed away 30 years ago.”

January: “wet and in debt” :laughing:

I’ve seen the “Bah, humbug” take on Yuletide expressed many times, in many ways, over my long life.

`Twould appear that there may be a new Gold Standard in that regard…

As an Amazon seller with a charge back claim from a “buyer” who ordered one item and then repeated it two days later and ignored my message asking here if she REALLY wanted two ($125/each) I find this to be the appropriate feeling at this time of year. Well, actually, for me, any time of year… :face_with_symbols_over_mouth: :face_with_symbols_over_mouth:


I sooo relate to the grinch

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Star Trek TNG nerds only

Jingle Bells


ME TO EVERYTHING IN DECEMBER: Lower your expectations; time and calendars no longer exist.

Kindly ctfd,

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Papy, your Venn diagram about cats and strippers in the Fun With Wild Animals thread

reminded me of this supposedly true story of an explanatory letter a mom felt she HAD to send to her child’s teacher.

I have a true story like that, though I do not have an illustration.

A past manager of mine I worked for was playing with his daughter one evening…

The next day she went to school and had a cast on her right arm. The teacher asked, “What happened to you? Why don’t you come up for show and tell and let us know.”

The little girl sheepishly came up to the front of the classroom, and showed her cast to the class. “Well, my daddy and I were playing bad, naughty games on the bed.”

Now, according to my ‘boss’ he was tossing her in the air, and when she fell off the edge of the bed he grabbed her and it ended in a broken arm.

Fact is stranger than fiction.

And yes DCYS (Department of Children Youth and family Services) was called.

“Our joys are at odds.”

NSF’nE news recently had an article-discussion about how we can now upload videos in multiple languages.

My first thought, of course, and didn’t post there…


(and now part of me wants to learn Klingon and get a Klingon outfit just so I can record and upload Klingon product videos…)

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