Ah yes, I see that your pie are squared.
I always figured that if I ran a restaurant, I would offer an Ides of March special on Ceasar Salads.
(please note that I know that the salad name has nothing to do with the emperor, but rather with the waiter/chef at a restaurant in Tijuana).
As the schoolboy huffily said to his math teacher:
"Pie are NOT squared.
Cornbread are square, but pie is round."
Here ya go…
We are taking off for a REAL vacation instead of out normal 2-3 days so this will be me when I roll out of bed at 4 am to catch the flight. Self inflicted wound for booking the flights that early…
Just plan to stay up all night. It will make it easier to sleep on the plane.
Proof … one should never get up before they have laid the egg …
In defense of Peter Piper who is alleged to have picked a peck of pickled peppers, a peck of pickled peppers would be in a two gallon jar and would not have been on private property available to pick as pickled peppers have already been picked as evident by the fact that they are pickled and in a pickled pepper jar.
Wrongly accused poor little Peter Piper the pickled pepper picker.
“Allitigation” – I like it!
The original crazy cat-lady ?
St Patrick and St Gertrude went strolling
Across a bridge where
A Leprechaun was there
To greet them.
St Patrick tipped his hat
St Gertrude tossed a cat
The Leprechaun let
St Patrick pass
But said St Gertrude
Showed no class
And left her
On the bridge waiting.
Now you know the origin of “A Lady in Waiting”
Never toss a cat when you can simply tip your hat.
“Leprechaun Rules”
Back to the days of covid, lockdown, and all the great jokes spawned out of desperation and boredom: