Glad to know that somebody is ahead of us. We still have items from 3 years ago (maybe 5) that we are still thinking about. It’s nice to know you are in the same week.
In the land of procrastination, where I am Queen, I just don’t bother to think about stuff like that. That’s a long ways down the road. I’m fine for now.
This Southern Belle Master Procrastinator grew up on…
At times like this, it’s important to remember that famous saying:
“Don’t put off till tomorrow what you can put off indefinitely”.
It’s one of my top 5 favorite stand-alone skits. I use “one if by land, two by your ■■■■■” waaay too much in casual conversation
Top 5, no order:
Okay, here’s another dog joke:
Farmer to Sheepdog: “How many sheep have I got in that field”
Sheepdog: “50”
Farmer: “That’s odd, there should only be 48”
Sheepdog: “Yeah I know, I rounded them up”
So true
A man down the street from me lived next to a busy traffic way. He had a sheepdog that would run back and forth all day inside the fence. He said the dog was trying to herd the vehicles that passed by.
Well, at least it wasn’t a Rutabaga recipe…
IRL, I am surrounded by heathens who’ve never known the sheer bliss of eating a scrumptious Rutabaga & Raspberry petits fours fraise.
Must I now be subject to even more slings and arrows of outrageous fortune by having my references to The Mighty `Bager scrubbed online?
The Rutabaga Drones are circling…