My Amazon Mexico and Canada accounts have been in vacation mode for years. The listings were delisted and disconnected from my Amazon account years ago. Today, I noticed a random Amazon charge on my credit card from Amazon Mexico. I checked my Amazon Mexico and Canada accounts and there were 4 listings showing on those accounts. They all show a listing date of 6/13/23. I haven’t even logged into those accounts in over a year. How and why did these 4 listings suddenly show up on these accounts? Keep in my that I have over 1000 active listings on the dot com site, so if the Mexico and Canada sites were somehow re-connected, then all of the listings would have shown up, not just 4 of them.
Did you double check settings regarding synchronization? (Just in case Amazon has changed something)
Yes, Canada and Mexico are disconnected. It’s very strange that only 4 of my 1000+ listings were listed. If the accounts were connected, then all of the listings would have been listed. What happened on June 13th that listed the same 4 listings on both Canada and Mexico?
Did you have bad thoughts about Amazon that day? They can read your mind, you know.
When you think bad thoughts about them, they can punish you by screwing with your selling account.
OK… I made that up. But it could be true, right?
Google reminds us of this… it can’t be a coincidence, can it?
They shouldn’t (we would hope) have to restore services from a back-up copy that’s more than a year old, but it sure looks like that’s what might have happened.
Tagging the techie folks @Pepper_Thine_Angus @Dogtamer for their input, and @Medic in case he wants to alert the NSFE community to check their credit card statements too.
You are probably on to something. On July 20, 2023, we received an email from Amazon about the upcoming USPS Ground Advantage upgrade (same notice that was posted across Amazon news and NSFE). However, this email was sent to our old email address which has not been used in several years with Amazon and is currently not listed with any of the notification email in account info.
On occasion, this or that of Amazon’s automated mechanisms have been known to pull data from the ‘Primary’ Buyer Account automatically associated with each 'Secondary SoA Account; the same has been known to occur with messages dispatched by certain of Amazon’s sub-contractors and/or “far-flung” Global teams (those, of either type, which are rooted in the Hyderabad Incubator seem to be rather prevalent in that regard).
May I ask if the old email address can be found in any of the various Dashboards associated with Your Buyer Account (link, Buyer-side)?
No … buyer account is completely separate and different email. Always has been.
A few years back we created an email domain for use via the gmail system which was designed to keep our communications off of our site domain’s system. We changed all of the emails associated with the seller account (and the buyer account). This email was sent to the old seller email address which we can see but basically has been dormant. We monitor it only for the sake of catching a communication that we might not have updated to the new email system (which is highly unlikely at this point). Basically, it has been dead so, when something like this pops up, it sticks out like a sore thumb (red flag).
This was definitely pulled from the old archives of the seller account.
We, too, have entirely separate Buyer Accounts, but that’s not what I’m speaking of here - I’m referring the the Buyer Account that was automatically associated with your SoA Account upon its creation.
Rob, April, and I expounded on this paradigm in the 27Jul`22 OSFE Tutorial Ancient Amazonese Secret (link, NSFE URL).
I’ve never experienced data exhibited in one of our standalone Buyer Accounts overriding data populated to this SoA Account - but the same cannot be said of that populated to its associated ‘Primary’ Buyer Account; over the years, I’ve seen a variety of miscues attributable to Amazon’s automated mechanisms changing the ‘Secondary’ Seller-side information w/ values which are only present on the ‘Primary’ Buyer-side of things.
Never used it and have only logged in as seller into sellercentral. Under the Notifications section, all communication showing is what has been done under the current email to the seller side customer emails and forum. We have never touched or updated anything on the buyer side info.
We use separate browsers (Chrome for personal / FireFox for business) and never cross over.
We firmly believe this email was pulled from archived data and not current systems. Within this year, we have seen data for our listings that was data from 10 or 11 years ago that just popped up randomly. At first, we thought we were being hijacked again but then realized it was Amazon systems dropping in the “added” offer. We had Amazon remove it (which was done without a lot of hassle).
Sadly, in Amazon’s poorly-cobbled & badly-administered Distributed Database/Enterprise Domain Network architecture, that’s not a particularly-infrequent happenstance.
Which, in turn, is why I’ve spilt so much ink over the years advocating that it behooves us all to download ALL of our CLRs/RFRs (“Category Listing Reports” aka “Reverse Feed Reports”) @ least once every business quarter…
There’s a prime example of this phenomenon probably being in play on display in our friend @Lost_My_Marbles’ posts to this thread.
About a week ago I noticed a previously deleted listing re-appear in my inventory list. When I click on edit, it get this error:
Ah another Ghost or phantom listing discussion.
We all know there are major glitches in the system that make items that were deleted YEARS ago suddenly reappear and people order them.
But @TheOrangeCrush listings are not traditional ghosts listings.
They are active in US.
They have never been active on MX or CA.
But now they are, as of June 13, without any action on his part.
This might be an @oneida_books global/North America unifiied puzzle…though the question “why these four?” might never be answered.
@TheOrangeCrush, have you set MX and CA quantities to 0 or tried to delete?
They were active at one time, but were deleted years ago along with all other Mexico and Canada listings.
Yes, they were re-listed on June 13th without any action on my part. I haven’t even logged in those accounts in months.
Yes, I deleted them.
These are very old listings which were created in 2017.
And you had those marketplaces inactive on June 13.
Why these ASINs, and how?
Yes, they have been in vacation mode with no listings all for years. The listings had been completely deleted from both accounts.
Good question.
May I ask if at any time during your own active Offer-Listings on said ASINs you yourself had an FBA FNSKU in the US Marketplace?
Bear with me, Philly, if you please - I’ve been working on this puzzle for years, now, and methinks I might just see a glimmer of light at the end of tunnel for Global Expansion Initiative-produced foibles…
Okay, that closes one branch of the troubleshooting flowchart, and diverts us to the next pertinent query-decision box of the diagram (we can apparently obviously choose the “Yes” path for the intervening “Is your SoA Account enrolled as ‘North American Unified,’ or not?”):
May I ask if both Credit Method Manager and Deposit Method Manager for the Canadian & Mexican Global Marketplaces reflect no error(s) when you navigate to their Dashboards, using the Marketplace Switcher functionality?