MakerPlace Seller Saturday email

Michael’s seems to be giving a “genuine” go at improving things and answering concerns. I’ve only had 3 orders but so far so good. I will keep adding listings since I don’t have any travel plans in the near future but at some point vacation mode will be a major problem without.


Is that an email that went out?

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Yes, I received it yesterday.

“You can now edit category classification” , is the update I didn’t know before this email. Now we can change the category of an existing listing if needed.

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Ok Thanks! I emailed support letting them know I’m not getting update emails. Ugh! Wish they would have a blog or a forum or put announcements in the dashboard or something!

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I have been getting a lot advertising emails for the regular Michaels, but I also notice a number of those emails also went into my spam folder (Don’t know why just some of them).

Maybe you should check your spam folder to see if Michaels’ email went there?


I didn’t get emails either, not even in spam. :frowning:

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So far I only got one email that’s related to MakerPlace, all the others were advertising for things on Michaels website, I really didn’t mind some of them went into Spam. The email notify me of my one and only order was from a different Michaels email address.

The strangest thing was yesterday I receive an email that was from the same address as that MakerPlace update email and the other advertising emails (I’m pretty sure), but it was saying that they have deactivated my “Amazon” account because of suspicious activity. :astonished:

Since both my Amazon buyer and seller account were fine. I figured it has to be a Phishing email, so I reported it as spam and deleted it. But why would it be from a Michaels email address. Wish I haven’t deleted it, so I can be sure it’s totally the same email address.


that’s too weird. The phishing people aren’t overly concerned with logic — they throw a bunch of crap in, hoping that at least one trigger will make you panic and click.


It was a pretty short one:

It wouldn’t let me copy/paste the whole thing, there were a little bit about the weekly MakerPlace update. The email link didn’t work here either.

This is the email address: [email protected]

Both advertising email for regular Michaels website and MakerPlace update email came from this address.


I still haven’t gotten their emails.

When you sign on to Michaels website, click on “Account Dashboard” (not Seller Dashboard), 1st one of the dropdown list, then scroll down to “Account Information” section to see if there is a email address listed.


Thanks. I have an email listed. It would be nice to get an email.

I’m just throwing out some thoughts, don’t know if they’ll be helpful or not.

Some of the emails from the same Michaels address ( [email protected]) did went into my spam folder, not sure why some come through and some didn’t.

Maybe you need to check your spam folder. If they are in the spam folder, you probably need to click one as not a spam to get future emails to your In box.


I tried signing up for regular Michaels emails and I didn’t get anything. I used the period trick in gmail (where you can just add a . In the middle of your gmail and still get the mail) and signed up for regular michaels emails and instantly got a 20 percent coupon to that email address. I’m guessing a long time ago I must have unsubscribed from weekly ad emails with my original email and it won’t allow for new subscriptions maybe??? I do wish support would email me back about this issue.

I get order emails just fine when I get an order. It doesn’t make sense that makerplace seller newsletters should be related to michaels weekly ad newsletters internally but maybe it is??


Hmm ok. I did join it. Just seemed suspicious since the Admin profiles didn’t look like they were real and a lack of organization or any stickied posts made me suspicious.

I still have not heard back from Makerplace anymore about not getting newsletters. I’ve sent 3 emails in the past 2 weeks and no response. I’ve checked my spam, added their emails to my contact list and still nothing. I feel so left out, especially because I used to have this problem with Amazon Handmade for the first few years till they got it sorted out. My email I use is gmail so I don’t know what is going on.

I do get emails when I get an order, and I know I’ve gotten all kinds of emails in the past to all my support emails I’ve sent in, but nothing regarding the support emails regarding the newsletter.

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Please post and discuss the Saturday emails here in this thread. :spiral_calendar: Links to each weekly email:

ETA: I found and moved 2 of them here to this thread. Please flag the ones I’ve missed. I’ll keep a link TOC in the OP. here in this post and mark as Solution for convenient access. You can also bookmark this post for quick reference.


Here is the gist of today’s (9/16/23) update:

I hate how my business inbox is absolutely inundated with spam from Michael’s. I hit unsubscribe on the one email but it said it could take 2 weeks to update my preferences! I don’t see a way to be subscribed to MakerPlace seller emails without also being signed up for every sale and coupon.


Got an update from support about not getting the Saturday emails. Some how it has to do with sending out their regular Michaels promotion emails (I realized I wasn’t getting those either!!). Turns out I had unsubscribed from Michaels weekly ads in October of 22 is what they said. They are still trying to figure it out internally I guess but she was able to create a link for me to click to fix it and get resubscribed and I was able to get the latest Saturday email!


The last “MakerPlace Seller Saturday” email I received was on Feb 24, and nothing since March. I did check my spam folder, etc. Nothing there.

Just wondering if anybody here have receive it the last 2 Saturdays or did Michaels stopped sending this particular email?


I’m getting them regularly.