My Amazon seller account has been deactivated

I want to help me regarding the deactivation of my Amazon seller account. I was recently informed that my account has been deactivated because it was linked to another account, which I already deleted.

I want to point out that I deleted the account that my Amazon account was previously linked to because it was no longer needed. However, this apparently caused my Amazon account to be deactivated, which I am currently having a problem with as I can no longer access my orders and purchase history.

As a loyal Amazon customer, I have always followed your platform’s policies and terms

Thank you for considering my request and providing me with instructions on how to resolve this issue. I remain at your disposal for any additional information.

Thank you for your attention and help in resolving this issue quickly.

We are not Amazon, and have no affiliation with or connection to Amazon. We are businesses that sell on Amazon, just like you. We can offer advice, but we cannot fix the problem for you. You will need to resolve the issue through Amazon directly.

Having multiple accounts doesn’t automatically trigger deactivation the way it used to, but multiple accounts are still linked, and any suspension or deactivation related to one account usually impacts all accounts. From what you said, it sounds like your account was deactivated because the linked account was deactivated.

Unfortunately, my understanding is that deactivating an account is permanent, so you can’t reactivate the old account you no longer need.

Normally, the way to get a linked account reactivated is to get the deactivated or suspended account reinstated, which will reinstate all linked accounts. Since you can’t do that, your only real option is to get Amazon to accept a POA which states that the original account was deactivated in error and reinstates the deactivated account. I don’t believe there is any way to get the deactivated account un-linked.


Was this previous account suspended in any way shape or form?


You don’t generally get your account suspended unless the account you’re linked with violated Amazon rules in some way. Amazon views this as a possible attempt by the rule-breaking account holder to continue selling on Amazon, by trying to operate their business under a different account, hoping Amazon won’t realize it’s them.

You can’t simply delete an account that broke the rules and think that will remove all the violations.

Think of it like a person who gets many traffic tickets. They can’t move to a different region and get a new driver’s license and expect to have a completely clean driving record. Even if you get a new license (Amazon account) the record of your driving history (all past Amazon accounts) stays with you.


when i started created my seller account on amazon, i fumbled around and tried to figure it out.

the 1st account was with an e-mail that I did not finalize in the end.
so I created a new account with a new e-mail, with this 2nd account everything was perfect I had an online interview and everything. of course I entered my same information: Name, Account Number… the same as I have in the 1st account.

after the creation costs have been taken (40 usd).
I started adding my marketplaces and I created my articles.

after I had a sale from a client from Mexico, after 2 days I sent the package and entered the tracking.
suddenly I receive deactivation emails from each marketplace. the cause: It turns out that you are linked to an account (the 1st account).
I sent everything to Support as a document for reactivation (I’m talking about the 2nd account)
so I decided to appeal deleted the 1st account. after it was deleted I asked them to reactivate the 2nd, they always sent me the same message with: You have been found to be related to an account (the 1st account).

I’m sorry but it doesn’t work that way. As @Roxy said, you can’t just delete an account that was suspended to remove the suspension. You will need to fix the problem with the first account to get the second account reinstated.

The first step is to find the suspension letter from the first account so you know exactly what you need to fix. If the account was not suspended, but you never finished going through the verification steps, you will need to finish the verification.


How far did you get in the creation process of the first account? You said you didn’t finalize it, but how far through the process did you go before abandoning it and starting over?

When you say you ‘deleted’ this account, what does that mean exactly? What steps did you take to ‘delete’ it?

As @maintak says, this :arrow_down: :arrow_down:

If the account was not suspended, but you never finished going through the verification steps, you will need to finish the verification.

may be your next step.

Account verification isn’t my area of knowledge, but one thing I do know - if Amazon has questions about any of your accounts, it will affect all of them.

You should also know that, when communicating with Amazon, you are rarely speaking with humans, most interactions are BOT-driven and the bots search for appropriate keywords. That’s why you get unhelpful messages like this -

they always sent me the same message with: You have been found to be related to an account (the 1st account).

Do you have the option to speak to someone from Account Health by phone? There might be a ‘call me’ button on your Account Health page, or you should be able to request a call back when opening a case.


if I remember correctly in the steps of inserting bank accounts. in addition I had not had an interview with cam… in the 1st.
it is in the 2nd account that I have the interview.

in the parameters there is closed the account I followed the steps that’s all
after that when I checked and tried again to access the 1st account it does not work, so it deleted.

the suspension was for both at the same time.
As long as I am Moroccan in Morocco, unfortunately the possibility of talking to someone by phone is not available.

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Please tell us exactly how you deleted the account?

I hate to tell you, no matter where you are, suspended accounts can not talk to anyone by phone UNLESS that little yellow button lights up.

Check it during business hours tomorrow and see if it is available

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Please tell us exactly how you deleted the account?

I think this is what we need to understand.

@Pakapoke, on Amazon, accounts don’t generally get completely deleted. What happens if you try to sign in to the first account you created?

Have you checked the email associated with the first account to see if Amazon sent you any messages there?

When communicating with the bots by email, you want to provide a clear, but short outline of the issue. Instead of explaining like you’re talking to a person, try writing in outline form (as if you were writing bullet points), with each line expressing a single piece of information. Like this:

My accounts are related due to a failed attempt to create one account, followed by a second successful attempt to create a new one.

  • Account # 1 created on (date) using email address [email protected]
  • Due to being new to Amazon, I wasn’t able to complete the process successfully, so started over
  • Account # 2 created on (date) using email address [email protected]
  • Account # 1 closed on (date), not realizing it would remain connected to Account #2
  • Account # 1 should be permanently deleted
  • Account # 2 should be reactivated

Even when you do reach a person, they will scan your messages (similar to bots), looking for keywords to help them categorize the issue. They can get distracted by extra words. :smile: Try to give them the minimum words needed to describe the situation.

For example, they’ll do better with this:
Dog. Lost.

Than with this:
My dog got out of the yard today and I can’t find him.


I don’t know if it’s deleted or not but it’s closed. when I try to access with the e-mail and password, it does not work. as if the account has never been .
In account info at the bottom right there is closed the account, I followed the steps…

yes i try and its like there is no account exist.

Please help us, what steps?

Closing an account does not “delete” it and make Amazon forget.

I fear you may have made a fatal mistake here and there may be no way forward.


In account info at the bottom right there is closed the account

Are you able to provide a screenprint of this message (‘closed the account’? Please block out any personal information. I’m confused because you say that the user id and password don’t work, but then the above statement suggests you are able to get in, but see the account status as closed.


yes i try and its like there is no account exist.

I’m sorry, but I don’t understand. When you check your email account, the email you used to create the first account, there are zero messages from Amazon? Is that what you’re saying?

I have no memory of the process, as my account was created more than 15 years ago, but it seems like once you give Amazon your email address, they’re going to use it for something.

@Pepper_Thine_Angus @maintak

Is it possible we’ve misunderstood the issue here? Because looking back at their original post, @Pakapoke says -

I want to point out that I deleted the account that my Amazon account was previously linked to because it was no longer needed. However, this apparently caused my Amazon account to be deactivated, which I am currently having a problem with as I can no longer access my orders and purchase history.

Is it possible that @Pakapoke is asking about his (or her) buyer’s account???

If they first had a buyer’s account…
Then opened a seller’s account…
Then deleted that seller’s account…
Wouldn’t it wipe out the associated buyer’s account?

@Pakapoke, would you please clarify if the account you are trying to recover is a second selling account, or your original buyer account?


I apologize in fact when I submitted for the closed they said: ““Hello,
We have received your request to close your account. Your account is currently inactive and no further subscription fees will be charged to your account. If you do not perform any other action on your account, it will remain inactive.””

the craziest thing now is that when I tried again to log-in with the 1st account, it works with a request to change the password…

I submitted for reactivation… (the 1st) in the steps that follow he asks me to fill in the fields name, first name address… as if it is the 1st time that I register.

while they tell me that my account is linked to this one…


This unfortunately is most likely the end of your prusute to sell on Amazon.

Due to European privacy laws, amazon must comply and “delete” your access to your old account. Please note, this does not remove your account from existence it just blocks you from ever accessing it again.

This is an unreversable action.

Your second account is now permanently, and correctly linked to the first account you never successfully activated.

It does not matter that you never completed the process, amazon considers an account “open” the moment you enter an email address. The proper thing to do would have been to go back to the first account and activate it and use it.

You may be able to send an email to jeff@ and explain the situation, but we have seen so many sellers over the years do exactly what you have done here and we never hear dack from them if they were successful or not.

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that’s what I wanted, I want to permanently close the 1st account.
does that mean that I could never sell on Amazon as a physical person?

I was able to access (the 1st account) and I had to fill in the information again as if I was registering for the first time

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