New blanket reason for USPS GA not available, Because of you business operating hours.

That is the new reason that seller support states it’s not available.

Forget that by signing up for SSA your hours are set by Amazon.

Hello from Amazon Selling Partner Support,

I understand that you are contacting us with the request related to USPS ground advantage query for Order ID: XXXX

we are unable to offer USPS Ground Advantage as a shipping option for your package, as it does not align with your current business operating hours.

Please select an alternative shipping method from the available options to proceed with your order.

To help us continually improve, we ask that you take a moment to complete our survey below to tell us about your experience with this specific case.

Were you satisfied with the support provided?


This is beyond stupid


ummmm … no … Amazon does not set your business hours when you sign up for SSA. We have our store hours/days set and they have not changed with SSA usage.

Simply a seller support BS line unless the order was one with one of the premium shipping options which could effect the shipping services being offered with an order.


There was a report on the NSFE of someone with a similar problem; he changed the ship date to the next day and got offered the cheaper services. I’ve seen the same thing with MM/BPM.

Definitely something broken, but this excuse is absurd.


ours were. Basically it changes it to Mon-Friday. as Required I tried to expand our hours and couldn’t because of SSA settings.

Sad thing is I pointed that out and they said the exact same response.


Have you tried emailing either buy-shipping-team or buy-shipping-feedback directly? Or seeing if Seller Support could forward your query to that team?

I have no idea if the email addresses still work, but I think that the Buy Shipping Team would at least actually understand the problem.

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Any luck @Thelunatick ?

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What you think I actually would get a response for a known issue that they choose to ignore?


Have you set your shipping location settings? (and if you ship from multiple locations … are they all set?)


Just a guess but I’d wager the rep misspoke. If this is a business you were trying to send to, THEIR business hours may not have aligned with the expected delivery date.

I’ve had issues where the cheaper service would predict a a delivery date during the weekend, which would remove the option for that service.

Pushing the expected ship date out a day would push the expected delivery day out to the work week and enable the cheaper/faster option.

Beyond stupid. And I don’t care when they are open that’s not my problem. There are things the customer can do on their end to ensure their packages are delivered when they are open.

Also USPS ground is terrible and killing my OTDR


Yep, after they sent me the BS about my hours I looked far and wide how to change them.

Actually posted about that I think I found one of the issues with SSA and business customers.